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Should I Go On Seasonique Just To Skip My Awful Periods?

I’m 14, and i get excruciating cramps from my period. I’ve been thinking about trying to go on birth control just so i can skip it. I don’t plan on being sexually active any time soon, and i don’t even have a boyfriend, so using the pill for actual birth control isn’t at all what i want to do. Should I go on the Seasonique pill, which gives you only three periods a month, just so i don’t have to deal with cramps? And also, I know that, like nearly every other medication out there, the pill does have some risks and side effects, but I want to know what they specifically are for Seasonique, and how commonly they occur. I’ve talked to my mom about it, and shes a nurse, but id like some other opinions as well. Also, the hospital my mom works at is affiliated with the catholic church, and they provide my family with our insurance, but they don’t cover birth control because it’s against their beliefs, or whatever, so my family would have to pay ourselves. How much is it without insurance, and do you think its worth it to save me from my torturous cramps? And also, I know i should probably talk to a doctor about this, but I’ve never been to a gynecologist, and i don’t really want to start until I absolutely have to, so is there another way to get a doctors opinion without getting the whole scary examination?

No Responses to “Should I Go On Seasonique Just To Skip My Awful Periods?”

  1. Merry says:

    I don’t know much about Seasonique specifically. I know that any birth control pill will help lessen cramping greatly. You’ll still have a monthly period, but usually it’s much lighter than without the pill.
    You might see if your insurance will cover the pill if it’s not being used for birth control. Our insurance wouldn’t have covered it for my daughter if she was using it for birth control. Because she uses it for irregular periods and bad cramps, they covered it after getting verification of that from the doctor.
    If they won’t cover it, you should be able to find a monthly birth control pill for under $25 a month. You might even call a pharamcy before you see the doctor and ask for recommendations on pills that are fairly inexpensive. They’re more likely to know the answer to that than the doctor is.
    When you go to the doctor, ask if you could possibly be prescribed one of these “cheaper” options. You do have to see a doctor to get the prescription. They really should do a full exam, but you can ask your own doctor what their office’s policy is on that.

  2. moses says:

    hey girl, I took seasonique (I had really bad cramps too) and it f’d up my life. I had my period for the entire 2 months that I was on it, but it stopped as soon as I got off. it may work for you, as every birth control is different for each individual, but my experience with seasonique was not pleasant.
    I would highly recommend seeing a lady- doctor because if your cramps are really “excruciating” then it could be something alot worse going on then just your period and the sooner you find out if something’s wrong the better. I know the thought of that kind of check up is scary, but they’re super nice and professional and are really there to help.
    best of luck!!


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