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If It Is Logical To Use Al-qaeda And Hamas As Representatives Of Islam?

Keep in mind that Islam is a religion with over 1 BILLION followers. Would it then be equally logical to use KKK, as representatives of Christianity
This just demonstrates, among many other examples, the incredible stupidity of the right. There are extremists in every faith, but righties are so monumentally stupid that they think this not only does not applies to Christianity, but also that the vast majority of Muslims are not in, nor affiliated with those groups

No Responses to “If It Is Logical To Use Al-qaeda And Hamas As Representatives Of Islam?”

  1. Moth on the wall. says:

    Who ever said Islam was rational. The morons riot over a cartoon for God’s sake.

  2. roy says:

    Al-Qaeda and Hamas and many other extremist groups do not represent Islam , don’t make things so general .even if they say these things and fight in the name of Allah and Muslims this is not true
    They are a terrorist groups
    The KKK do not represent all Christians , they are also an extremist group that have their own beliefs to fight for

  3. boodreau says:

    Generalizations this sweepingly idiotic demonstrate your monumental stupidity.

  4. Floyd George says:

    No. But unfortunately the silence from the moderate Islamists is deafening when the terrorist factions come into play.
    And who put Hamas, Hezbollah, and that nut job in Iran into power? Who shields Bin Ladin in his little endeavors? It is the moderate Islamist.
    I would have more faith in them if they would decry the fanatics within, but they don’t. I would have more faith in them but when I see how intolerant they are to the infidel, I don’t.
    And you are right. There was a time when Islam held the light of learning and progression in the world. During the dark ages when the Catholic Church held Europe in poverty and ignorance, Islam was the chalice of learning.
    But those days are gone. Christians have progressed, they do not burn heretics at the stake anymore. They do not go on murderous pogroms. And Islam has slid back into the dark ages of fear, ignorance and slavery.
    The so-called “Christian” nations in the west have lost their faith, lost their pride, lost their moral compass. There is a huge vacuum waiting to be filled, and Islam will fill it. The 21st century belongs to Islam.


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