I think the ipad reaches a certain niche (apple fanboys). For individuals that actually possess a penchant for reading, they like e-ink tablets. All the multimedia distractions such as music, game and apps aren’t necessary. There is also that large niche that loves to read news articles and publications online. It would be nice if the kindle had a better web browser that was fast and efficient so reading the NY Times, WSJ, etc. would be more copacetic. I wouldn’t mind a sacrifice in battery life for better performance as long as there are no distractions.
Yes for me. But for all the choice of e-ink ebook reader right now the latest Kindle is the best.
Guess you know, Amazon just announced new models of the Kindle reader (mine is Kindle 2, and now it upgrades to the Kindle 3 and sold at the same price). I’ve mentioned quite a lot about the new Kindle, which model to choose and where to get free books, in another answer here:http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?…
Hope it helps 🙂