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Hypothetical Question: Could Lsiam Be The Nwo?

I have been thinking about this. The NWO is the theory that we are heading for a one world government. Islam is poised for world domination in a very years (if you don’t think so, you need to google world religion statistics). Islam is not JUST a religion; it is a comprehensive political, social, and economic system with its own authoritarian legal framework – sharia, which aspires to govern all aspects of life. (In fact, France has now refused to recognize it as a religion; they now categorize it as a political system.)
In researching the Imam Rauf, there is evidence that he and many other prominent Muslims have ties to or are affiliated with many “globalist” organizations, so it is not as out of the realm of possibility as I thought it was.
It also seems more feasible when the Cordoba Initiative, connected with these globalist organizations, is trying to perpetrate the idea that Islam, Christianity and Judaism are actually the same religion (in summary). That then makes sense of the Imam’s remark that he is “a Muslim, a Jew and a Christian.” If this idea can be advanced, a conversion to Islam will not be met with the resistance it surely would be.
So, hypothetically-speaking, could Islam be the NWO? Did it ever say anywhere that it would not be a religion? To me, that actually makes sense. Throughout history, religion has been the best way to control people, hasn’t it?

No Responses to “Hypothetical Question: Could Lsiam Be The Nwo?”

  1. Ameera John says:


  2. Johnny Benchcomb says:

    As long as America has nukes, no. Even if Washington goes down our nuclear subs will make sure that we’ll never wear towels or play soccer.

  3. Grand Theft Pants™ (the 7th) says:

    Could it be used as a tool by globalists? Yes…

  4. Michon says:

    Damn your good , makes sense to me ………………………

  5. Pam Beesly says:

    You are a very smart girl. Yes, I think that is their goal. An uprising of people is the only way to stop it.

  6. Sulfur Kingdom says:

    They sure squeel to Nato and the UN a lot. They also have more nations as members than they do Christians so they have more votes as well. So yes to your question. I came to the same conclusion several months ago.

  7. United Plankton says:

    islam is the N.W.O of B.O…

  8. Dobby says:

    It depends, if you think 911 is an inside job, then yes islam is the nwo.

  9. The BoogeyMan says:

    Hmmmm..That does make a lot of sense.

  10. Olin Hill says:

    no — if there is a NWO it is a bunch of rich fools like the Rockefellers Rothschilds and a bunch of Arab princes
    it is just globalist — with all sorts of religions — what they have in common is a lot of control of money
    Arabs just happen to have a lot of it

  11. Captain Trips says:

    The only way to stop it is a much, much better battery, which is all we need to get off oil. Everything else is already on the way.

  12. pamcarte says:

    If there was a NWO group they would not be the religious type, but would only use it as a tool until it met their needs then dispose of it.

  13. Lloyd J says:

    The universal reaction we have seen to the simple burning of the Quran shows you just how strong the muslim fear tactics are. They have our politicians dancing to their tunes. I think we should institute a bilateral agreement with each of the muslim countries. You can build mosques here when we can build an equal number of churches in your country. Tit for tat.

  14. Gadfly says:

    I think they have more in common with historical fascism.
    The most obvious points of comparison would be these: Both movements are based on a cult of murderous violence that exalts death and destruction and despises the life of the mind. (“Death to the intellect! Long live death!” as Gen. Francisco Franco’s sidekick Gonzalo Queipo de Llano so pithily phrased it.) Both are hostile to modernity (except when it comes to the pursuit of weapons), and both are bitterly nostalgic for past empires and lost glories. Both are obsessed with real and imagined “humiliations” and thirsty for revenge. Both are chronically infected with the toxin of anti-Jewish paranoia (interestingly, also, with its milder cousin, anti-Freemason paranoia). Both are inclined to leader worship and to the exclusive stress on the power of one great book. Both have a strong commitment to sexual repression—especially to the repression of any sexual “deviance”—and to its counterparts the subordination of the female and contempt for the feminine. Both despise art and literature as symptoms of degeneracy and decadence; both burn books and destroy museums and treasures.

  15. ta192bl says:

    Most of Islam’s power is tied up in the inconvenient truth that a huge part of the world’s petroleum is in Moslem countries. That provides the financial wherewithall to make trouble worldwide. Most of the past success of Islam of weaseling their way into control of countries other than those historically/traditionally moslem has been because of the general failing of non-muslim peoples and governments to recognize the extreme threat that Islam poses. That day has apparently passed. Although Islam can continue to make inroads worldwide so long as the oil holds out, they have little hope of taking over much of anything that haven’t already seized, other than by a return to their original method of military conquest. I’d have to put the odds of that being successful as somewhere between slim and none. Even when they were a rather monolithic organization possessing similar/equal military weaponry and organization, they pretty much got their heads handed to them by various non-muslim opponents the world over, and I can’t see any change there.
    So, in answer to your question, no, I don’t think they stand a ghost of a chance…

  16. Krunchee says:

    The NWO is Hulk Hogan with a 5 o’clock shadow.

  17. Heavy Raider says:

    only if you are a Bircher.

  18. Yellow Alarm Clock says:

    You need a hobby.
    So it’s naive of me if I’m not convinced that over a billion people are all part of a secret conspiracy to take over the world through the imposition of a legal system that most of them don’t advocate even for themselves?
    You know those nutters who say that there’s a Jewish conspiracy to take over the world? Explain how you’re any less insane than they are.

  19. Cob Bollum says:

    I think that’s as good a reason as any to distance yourself and your loved ones from religion.

  20. turning around says:

    The so called New World Order is not a reality because it will take massive cooperation between a hundred countries all with different ideas, cultures, economic ideas and ideologies.

  21. American Youth! says:

    Not at all

  22. Jim Harris says:

    Well if an NWO were to ever exist it sure wouldn’t be the muslim nations and/or religion. Every conspiracy theory I’ve heard would indicate outward NWO proponents are for population control, free trade without the though of teriffs and taxes and so on.
    In theory people who really do advocate that kinda of weird thought process and view about globally coming together are jokers like Ted Turner which is a few french fries short up stairs IMO, at least in his later years. Anyway don’t see their faith aligning with this type of view. Not to mention muslim nations don’t really have top notch militaries. Bare in mind Isreal fended off 6 nations at once in a modern warfare era and came out successful. Given some of these nations have made significant advancements, the best they could do is try and nuke everything because outside of that their military technology is lacking big time.
    I think you are drawing your mis-guided conclusions regarding them being behind an NWO predicated on the premise they want to spread their religion around the world and dominate the political arena with sharia compliant law. Germany would have been closer to fitting the bill of NWO. Germany isn’t that type of country anymore thankfully. Maybe your theory would fit better with a unification between Russia, Iran, North Korea, China, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria and so on. Also bare in mind that even if there were an alleged alliance between all of these nations to take over the world to form some sort of one world operation it would be difficult to pull off at this point in history.The most militarily advanced of the bunch is Russia and just as ruthless in warfare I would presume as any of the nations you mentioned as they don’t have the same moral compass we do and as such would have to be the ultimate governing body of the bunch. They for the most part are not religious people. My 2 cents on your conspiracy theory.
    I thought that stuff was all about the Masons, Illuminati and RothChild world bank? This stuff changes all the time. I guess its fun for people when your board.


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