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If You Stumbled Onto The Secret Of Eternal Youth?

would you share it with your friends , keep it a secret or try to market it

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  1. Patricia says:

    Market it…absolutely!! Are you kidding?? I have spent a small fortune and so have my friends, on all kinds of creams, serums, lotions just hoping to see one work. Eternal youth… I would bottle it, sell it, look great and be rolling in dough! Win-Win!

  2. Gerry says:

    If I found the secret of eternal youth – it would be too late, as I am too old, and if it worked could only remain at my current age.
    Providing I had the know-how, and could find someone to trust – I’d hand it over for the young generation to use.
    But who could you trust not to just and make money out of it? Certainly not politicians!

  3. GO Florrie Floyd says:

    Great question Mr. Green Jeans.
    Personally, I really don’t think that I would want to live forever. It would be nice to be healthier and have more energy.
    BUT, if such a thing were possible, I would give the formula to the great minds of today in medicine, science, religion, education and thought. They may be able to make the world a better place.
    Like Benjamin Franklin, I would not try to profit off of something that could improve the lives of others.

  4. Doris says:

    I would be greedy. I would smear it all over myself and strut around and say what you see is what You get. I have a friend who once told me I was old but didn’t know it yet. I wouldn’t give her any. I would just let her wonder what happened. I’d put it on the market and get rich. It’s been a while since I have been youthful and I have never been rich so I would enjoy the best of both worlds.

  5. rollicki says:

    None of the above.
    I’d first apply it to myself, then maybe later, market it. If my friends wanted in on it, they’d have to purchase it at whatever price I set, which, of course, would be staggeringly high!

  6. NanaT says:

    I’d share it with all my friends. I’ve always wondered what that means though. Would you have to live like that man in the portrait, Dorian Grey? What’s the down side? There’s always a down side, isn’t there?

  7. Kembek says:

    All my friends must know about it already because they’re always telling me how young they look and how NO ONE can believe they’re the ages they are. So, I’d keep it to myself.

  8. shelby says:

    keep it a secret. 2 many ppl wud do wrong by it. id give it 2 my fam only but tell a lie about where i got it.

  9. Justme says:

    I would keep it a secret and destroy the formula, does not sound like something I would want.
    Looking forward to what is behind the next door

  10. john says:

    I would share it with my friends and then see if they felt it would be marketable.Why would anyone want to get stuck in a time warp of immaturity?

  11. Autumn Leaves says:

    Share it with friends and try to market.

  12. ConansOw says:

    I think I would like to bottle it then sell some & give some.


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