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I Need To Make A Decision. Should I Go Republican Or Become An Independent?

I am pro-life. I don’t believe in gay marriage. I love Earth; go green! I am against the democrat’s give money to the poor while they do nothing. What are the pros and cons of being a Pub or being Independent. If I’m not affiliated with a political party… can I vote in the primaries? I’m 18 btw, thanks!

No Responses to “I Need To Make A Decision. Should I Go Republican Or Become An Independent?”

  1. Think Outside the Ballot Box says:

    Do not ever affiliate yourself with a political party.

  2. Rocky Mtn High says:

    Depends on your state, I can’t vote in the primaries here in Colorado because I am an independent. Some states, you can.

  3. Gunner56 says:

    You seem youthful and independent. Dems aren’t pro earth, Nancy Pelosi fly’s on non related governmentnt trips frequently in her jumbo jet.

  4. Bavarian Thunderbox says:

    I agree with TOBB. Vote for the candidate who best represents YOU.

  5. bluechri says:

    First of all there is no Federal Welfare thanks to another Democrat Bill Clinton.
    So even though is is morally right to help the poor you do not have to worry about that .
    Otherwise go Independent because the two party system is broken And both parties have too much power .

  6. maxmom says:

    Whether you can vote in primaries depends on your state. Some states have open primaries, meaning anyone can vote, and other have closed, meaning only registered voters for that party can vote.
    I was Independent, but switched to Dem since I think that is where the future lies for green energy.
    It depends on what your priorities are.

  7. Lady Laissez Faire says:

    Depends on your state.
    Some states require you register a party, and others allow anyone to vote in the primaries.
    Voting Independent this year, won’t have an effect on the insanity going on in Washington.

  8. Cptainam says:

    The only thing about being Independent is in most states you can’t vote in the primaries. Reg. republican and simply vote for the best candidate in the general be they Republican, Tea Party or if the Dem’s ever run a conservative candidate even Democratic ( God I got chills even suggesting that lol),

  9. d_dock_2 says:

    This is the dumbest place in the world … well, maybe except Iran … to ask that question.
    Use the sources and make up your own mind. And remember that you can always change later.

  10. Julie says:

    I have the same beliefs as you but my whole family and I are Republicans.

  11. regerugg says:

    In PA you will not be allowed to vote in the primaries as an independent. Your values make you conservative.
    We need more Republicans in PA. We are a blue state because Pittsburgh and Philadelphia are infested with Democrats. They should not be controlling the entire state.


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