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I Want To Be Homeschooled , How Do I Do It?

i am in the 10th grade i barley made it because i hate school and last year i hadly went i still havent found my niche in that school and i just dont feel comftorable and i feel like i can basically lern everything they are teaching me faster and better if i was homeschooled i was watching this tutoial on youtube and this girl was talking about how she was homeschooled and she only goes once a week to check up with her assignments can i do that???? i live in nyc in brooklyn and go to james madison high school how do i do it and how can i convince my mom to let me do it if i can ??

No Responses to “I Want To Be Homeschooled , How Do I Do It?”

  1. Susan says:

    First, talk to your parents. It’s a big commitment on their part and they should be very involved. There are tutorial services and online classes for whatever courses are required in New York. Also, you’ll have a lot of flexibility in terms of what classes you can take.
    For instance, you’re probably required to take at least three years of history to graduate high school. Now say that you hate history. You could take a course on the history of literature for one year, then do a very in-depth study of feminism throughout history the next year, then the year after that take an art history course. Whatever interests you, as long as it falls into the very broad category of “history.”
    Homeschooling takes a lot of dedication and focus, but if you think that it’s the way to go, then you should do it. There are organizations which can help you out if you and your parents are new to it. But a word of caution: I’m not sure about the laws in your state, but in one of the states I’ve lived in, each quarter they send someone from some state education board to check that you’ve actually done schoolwork that year. You might also have to take a standardized test. So there’s really no way to skimp out your work.


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