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How Do I Become A Secret Shopper?

I am currently an unemployed student who is not in much of a mood for the hectic, tight scheduled work place. I love fashion and I am actually making sketches for clothing that I would like to market one day. I also have been running into some pretty lousy service lately. I think becoming a secret shopper would be an excellent opportunity to let off some stress, put a voice on lousy service and product, and get paid to do something that I already love doing what won’t add much extra stress while I am in school. How do I get my hands on this type of opportunity? And how do I fish out the scams if I happen to run into any during my endeavors?

No Responses to “How Do I Become A Secret Shopper?”

  1. flingebu says:

    The reality of secret shopping is not like the spam ads.
    Many places just let you shop for free…that is you get to keep what you buy.
    Otherwise you are just paid a low wage.
    Because the work is contract and intermittent there really isn’t that much of it about.
    Also they are not looking for an unemployed student, but looking for a person who understands the principles of customer service, so that you can evaluate them correctly.
    So make sure your application includes your customer service training, experience and understanding.
    Because the work is so popular I suggest that you do a search online for companies that do customer service evaluations and send them your resume (or even cold call them).
    Avoid the scam ads.

  2. brandon says:

    I know of two websites that offer mystery shopping and are BBB accredited businesses and are free!
    Try as well as
    I do know of a way you can earn some easy cash working online at no cost or never buying anything at all as well!
    A little of your time is only needed in taking a few surveys and free offers and by also setting up some affiliate programs on the side to increase that income further. If you would like to learn more and interested in working online, you could possibly earn anything you want, ps3s, macbook pros, iPod touches, along with potentially a steady income of around 1,000 or more a month doubling income each month with only a couple of hires a week, and by investing some of that income you will be making again at no cost, you can make thousands a week seriously as long as you learn how to market and the best tools to use, which im willing to teach.
    I am only looking for determined individuals to mentor, so if you are not going to do what I tell you must do, you will not be able to make a dime in this business, so do not even send an email. But if you are willing to follow my instructions and actually do the small amount of work as well as teach others to do the same, in due time you will be able to possibly make 6 figures a year.
    I will tell you now. Starting off, its gonna be easy, and eventually as you progress and you want to increase your income dramatically, it will seem more like a job at first that you promote yourself by investing in some of the tools with the free money you earned, as well as have plenty of extra money and other incentives such as gift cards and contests to prizes you may want.( Buy Things Off Amazon as well!)
    Anyway send an email to and in the message subject put Online Mentoring and I will give you further instructions of what you will be doing. My name is Brandon by the way. I am willing to mentor a total of 50 new pupils for anyone else that comes across this but you have to be at least 18 to maximize your profits but anyone 16 and over can apply.
    Also this is not SPAMMING/SCAMMING that I will be teaching, so do not come with the mindset thinking you will get spammed a product or scammed into buying something or you will not be able to progress, again its no investment except maybe a couple hours your first few days off the television and video games, and those hours turning into a couple of hours a week as time goes, and your income increasing. Think of it as a not so full time job, that turns into a fun smaller than part time job.
    One more words of advice: To reach your maximum success is like climbing a mountain with no investment. In my training I can help you find a shortcut to the top, that can lead you to a path to fly you to the top, and all you have to do is make that climb for a while!
    Good luck if youre interested in finding a job as well! You can also work one if you choose along with it if you really want to see major income your first months, but after a while you’ll want to quit and fire your employer!

  3. Kittysue says:

    It’s easy to spot scams in Mystery Shopping. If you are asked to pay any money to register, any monthly fees, or you are sent checks/money orders (these will always be fake or stolen) and asked to shop then send the balance through Western Union or Moneygram, it’s ALWAYS going to be a scam. Mystery shopping never sends you money in advance and has NOTHING to do with sending money through Western Union or Moneygram and you will only end up in debt if not in prison for money laundering – these are never real assignments
    If they advertise for shoppers on job boards like Craigslist, monster, hotjobs, etc they are usually scams. Most legitimate mystery shopping companies have many more shoppers than they’ll ever need, and rely on current shoppers for referrals if they are seeking new ones
    You can’t look at mystery shopping as a way to make money – a typical shop pays maybe $10 and that’s for about 3-4 hours of your time. And you don’t get expensive items either – you might be asked to go into Target and buy a $4 bottle of shampoo or to Old Navy to buy a t-shirt up to $8. You aren’t ever going to be asked to buy a Gucci purse or new computer as a mystery shopper. And you have to spend your own money up front – it can take about 30 days to be reimbursed. So while you might get a nice dinner for two at a local restaurant, you are paying that $80 bill yourself, then don’t get reimbursed unless you fill out the evaluation form correctly, the evaluation is postmarked within 24 hours of the assignment, and the itemized receipt has a time and date stamp. If any of this is not followed you won’t get reimbursed, and companies look for reasons not to reimburse you
    You are also lucky to even get 1 assignment a month – and that depends where you live. If you don’t live in a major metropolitan area like NY, LA, Chicago, etc there aren’t going to be many opportunities as companies are most concerned about service in their biggest locations unless they have had specific complaints about a small town location
    Always make sure any company is a member of the Mystery Shoppers Providers Association (MSPA) to avoid scams – almost every legitimate company is a member
    Look on their site for assignments near you…
    You can search for legitimate companies in your area here… then contact them to see if they are accepting new shoppers


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