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What Political Party Are You?

Why are you affiliated with this group? Are (were) your parents the same?

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  1. the dirty liberal says:


  2. Dude, Your Mom's Hot. says:

    Dem. Yes my parents are the same.

  3. Hazy Memory says:

    Green party.
    Because they rarely get any support.

  4. Zebra☁ says:

    my parents don’t vote.

  5. impression 12 says:

    i would go with the milkman

  6. autumlov says:

    Mainstream Democrat, parents were republicans.
    Democrats are all about progress and future
    Republicans just want to hold onto their asses and prevent you from doing anything either.

  7. H8 IN YUR EYEZ says:

    the one with the most hispanic voters

  8. ןɹıb says:

    I believe in Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Whatever Floats Your Boat…as long as it’s not something weird like child molestation or Scientology :
    But seriously, I agree with both sides on some issues. On the Democratic side, I am against the death penalty and I support gay marriage. But I am with the Republicans on the economy, gun control, and the idea that the government should have as least involvement in our personal lives as possible.

  9. Guden says:

    republican… yes, parents are the same.

  10. Natascha says:


  11. Alien says:

    I am never invited to political parties. I suppose it is because I am an alien. Perhaps I should have my own political party and you are all invited. We will have cake!

  12. Red Star says:

    Bleeding heart liberal.
    Mom’s a democrat.
    Dad’s a republican.

  13. bwmorency #3 says:

    I hate them both, but I lean more towards the polices of the Liberals.
    Yes, my parents AND grandparents were the same.

  14. celestial is angry beans! says:

    I’m a communist. Yay, North Korea is delicious!

  15. a house cat says:


  16. Reilly says:


  17. Red Sox 2011 World Series Champs says:

    If I had posted this before Obama was elected, everyone would thumb up this answer. Now everyone will give it thumbs down lol.

  18. Stephen Returns says:

    The Liberal/National Coalition. They’re an Australian party. I’m Australian.

  19. Niggarin says:



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