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Why Do Republicans Or Conservatives Accuse Liberals On Being On Welfare? Where Do They Get This Information?

Aren’t 30 percent of kids in welfare? I don’t think they are politically affiliated with any party. Also, I thought poor people in general don’t vote. What’s going?

No Responses to “Why Do Republicans Or Conservatives Accuse Liberals On Being On Welfare? Where Do They Get This Information?”

  1. Chris: Filibuster your Spending says:

    History and statistics.

  2. Mr. Wolf © says:

    They believe all the right-wing knee jerk crap they hear or read.

  3. Funding Mosques w/your taxdollar says:

    Not every Liberal is on welfare but every person on welfare is a Democrat.
    Why would you vote against Big Gov Handouts?

  4. Bacon. It's what's for dinner says:

    They don’t care to know that red states overwhelmingly take gov’t handouts far more than blue states.

  5. Wombat says:

    It is what it is.

  6. Lawgirl says:

    It is mostly children with parents who work. Many cons like to live in their little fantasy world. What type of people would star a question based on a stupid stereotype(Pluto Rat is excluded)?
    “every person on welfare is a democrat.” LOL seek help!

  7. White Bear says:

    Because we tend to paint all the people with the same brush…

  8. Hussein O. says:

    From your mom

  9. gitrdone says:

    Actually, Red states tend to receive more federal dollars than they pay out.

  10. Phoenix says:

    Take a poll of the political preference of people at the welfare office.

  11. og says:

    If you are for welfare they assume you use the product.

  12. Tania Lynne says:

    they think that because liberals are generally in favor of “people helping programs” that they need them for themselves. in fact, they want them so that others can recieve the help they need.
    it’s the same with being pro choice. just because you are pro choice doesn’t mean you’d get an abortion yourself. I don’t need welfare, but I’m not going to try to deny it to someone who does.

  13. Dan The Man says:

    Because it is true!
    Take a poll at the welfare office and see how many conservatives are in the line!

  14. Marjie says:

    Why do Liberals and Democrats accuse Republicans and Conservatives as either being cold hearted millionaires or Redneck Christians who are inbred?
    I don’t think all Liberals are on welfare. Most of the ones I know are in academia, and thanks to the NEA and the tenure system, they do quite well for themselves.
    The conservative folks I know (Republican, Libertarian, and Independent) are mostly middle class hard working folks. Some are Christian, and yes, if Redneck to you means Southern, then yes again. But inbred and stupid, no. And most of the poor people I know do vote. I am not exactly Miss Gotrocks, and I have voted in every election I could since the age of 18.
    It is a case of tit for tat. You insult them, they insult you. That is what is going on.

  15. Jamie says:

    the same place that liberals get the info about republicans like myself being a redneck..

  16. Diminishing Its Greatness One Vo says:

    The object and import of much of that criticism is many liberal politicians seem to prefer when private citizens are dependent on welfare.
    How else to explain their socio/economic theory?

  17. justm399 says:

    I wonder that myself. I’ve never been on welfare, had food stamps, or even collected unemployment. Always paid my taxes on time (and when I worked as a pharm. chemist I paid as much in taxes as I currently make as a teacher) and did not begrudge the money that is used to keep the country up and running.
    None of my “liberal” friends or family have needed gov’t handouts (fortunately).
    Actually, the only person I know who has been on welfare is one of my friends boyfriend who is a lazy jerk whose hero is rush limbaugh.

  18. myopinio says:

    It’s easy to appeal to their base. They make hard-working people believe their taxes are going to pay lazy people to eat and get housing. Then they call them liberals and all us liberals (like me, who has never been on welfare and probably never will be) are painted with the same brush, or we’re called Socialists and worse for actually wanting a social safety net. Sure there are abuses in every system, but most people don’t abuse it. They just can’t stand that small percentage that does.
    Then, when they themselves find that they need public assistance, they blame the liberals for needing it in the first place. And you’re right, most of the beneficiaries are kids. All kids, even the kids of poor parents including >gasp< minorities, are our future. We need them well-fed and well-educated 'cause we will be relying on them to support our economy, get good jobs, pay taxes and pay into social security, just like the rest of us are doing now (including us liberals).

  19. bluechri says:

    It is just propaganda from the so called right . As a Matter of fact there have been thousands of poor white Red state Southerners that come here to the South West and use our state welfare .
    Ironic isn’t it .

  20. THE BANNIBAL ONE says:

    Since i think all politicians are no good and try not to get involved,
    i will just give a fact based opinion.They get the information from the opposite party.
    They go back in time to when the democrats cooked up lies against them.
    It is a fact if a republican or liberal said this a democrat also said it .
    bye.i,m confused

  21. Scott Monster says:

    It amazes me. I’ve never been on welfare. I’ve got the years of work to prove it.

  22. mattle says:

    That’s really true. Of course there are organizations like Acorn that would try to make every welfare recipient a registered Democrat, the fact is that welfare recipients are just trying to survive. They’re not so much liberals as the victims of liberals.
    Most liberals aren’t on welfare, they just want to ensure that black people are and stay there.


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