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Why Is The Us Chamber Of Commerce Outsourcing American Jobs?

to COMI CHINA and creating the shrinking tax base
Over A Million Jobs Lost In Districts Where Pro-Outsourcing Chamber Advertises
the Chamber fundraises from foreign corporations: (1) An internal fundraising program called “Business Councils” used to solicit direct, largely foreign contributions to the Chamber, (2) Direct contributions from foreign multinationals like BP, Siemens, and Shell Oil, and (3) From the Chamber’s network of AmCham affiliates, which are foreign Kingdom of Bahrain, India, North Korea & Iran

No Responses to “Why Is The Us Chamber Of Commerce Outsourcing American Jobs?”

  1. say i wont says:

    Because it is beneficial to the US economy threw means of osmosis and intellectual database coherency.
    -My “official” Bullcrap statement.

  2. Grandpa says:

    Because they are owned, lock, stock and barrel, by the GOP.

  3. JBS says:

    all the companies listed are foreign companies – employing US workers. The chamber also works to bring foreign companies into the USA…what is your beef. I thought the libs liked the one world economy?

  4. itsamini says:

    We now have a global economy, many business that operate in the US and are also members of the Chamber are headquartered in other countries.

  5. Respect My Authoritah says:

    The only people who are outsourcing American jobs are the consumers. People rather buy cheap than American made. So therefore, businesses started outsourcing for cheaper labor to lower the prices on their products. If people would just pay a little more for American made then businesses would stop outsourcing. It’s simple economics.

  6. pepe le pew says:

    i agree totally,obams salary,michelles shopping trips,bidens paychecks,,the 787,000,000,000 stimulus,,,those of his whole staff,
    salaries of 2.5,000,000 federal gumshoes,are all guaranteed/paid for by,
    guess who?????????????????????????????????????…
    our low taxing high growth communist chinese brothers
    ,also,the saudies were oby donors in 08,and hamaas
    yahoo gave a million bucks or so to obomber

  7. Fed Up says:

    Can you substantiate (below) that the CC has brought a significant number of businesses into the US? Course not, their only goal is to send our businesses to where labor is cheapest for their dog handlers. The GOP will deny this even if proven beyond a doubt. How nicely all the pieces fall together, corporations have the right to donate as much as they want now and if they go through a non-profit (the US CC) they don’t have to disclose who they are. See, that’s how the wealthy stay wealthy they find loop holes and set up laws to benefit them.
    Who’s all for giving them a big fat tax break?


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