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How To Make Money Online?

I know about affiliate marketing and all that and I would like to get into that but I don’t really know what to do. Are there any systems I can get that are not scams? Because you always see the scams about how people have lost all there money. I also need something that can be refunded if needs be.?

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  1. zoooom.m says:

    The reason affiliate marketing is so highly recommended for making money online is that the money to be put up to begin with is low compared to most.
    There are a few very good places you can learn about this as these guys started very small and became big in the industry.http://shoemoney.comhttp://johnchow.comhttp://problogger.net
    My recommendation is to look at their early blog posts to see the beginning and get some tips but affiliate marketing is simply:
    1) find a product you like and can spend 24 hours talking about (products can be found on clickbank, commission junction, affiliatescout, and many more affiliate database)
    2) think about whether you want a domain or can get a free site at blogspot, typepad, wordpress, etc. However, the recommendation is to get a domain when you want to do this seriously. The domain name is better if it matches the item you are selling, it is easier to promote. e.g. if you want to promote ‘how to clean chicken cage’, then if your website is called:, that’s great! it is easier to promote once someone searches for that term.
    3) set up hosting on the site that you can use if you bought your own domain, and install a site building platform like wordpress, joomla, etc. Most people recommend wordpress as you can start quickly.
    4) get a template or use the automatic template that comes with the hosting if you want to personalise it, some css or html knowledge will be required. I recommend: for learning about this.
    5) when you are ready with articles, reviews, news, anything related to the product you want to promote, start publishing your website and go to the affiliate networks and apply for the products that match what you want to promote. For example, if there is an ebook in clickbank that details more on cleaning chicken cage, choose the item and take the links they give you and put on your site.
    6) number 5 is the hardest of affiliate marketing! You will need to write creatively, be patient, don’t give up, promote the product online to bring people to your website, then they click on the affiliate links, hopefully buy something, you make commission!
    I do not recommend you spend time buying products after products that teach you how to make money online. The maximum you should have is 3 very good products as most information are available online for free, it is up to you and how creative you are with promotion.
    Take a few days to study, check out sample affiliate sites, some examples I can give you are:…
    As you can see, these may be large scale or small scale, basically, the main feature of an affiliate site is if you are taken from the site you are on to purchase on another site, then it is likely the origin site is an affiliate and will be paid commission if you purchase. Without financial investment, small scale is the way to go.


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