I’m the kind of person that knows a good bit about a lot of different topics. Sports, computers, video games, science, health, biology, chemistry, sports medicine, anatomy, guitar, etc
I know a decent amount about these things but I’m not an “expert” in any field. So how do I go about choosing a blog “niche”?
What you might want to do is create a categorized blog with separate RSS Feeds. You can have your blog for each topic that you enjoying talking about, and your viewers can choose the RSS Feeds that they want to view. If they like your thoughts on computers and video games they can add those feeds, and people that like science or a specific part of science, like, just anatomy, they can choose that feed.
Instead of a blog, perhaps you may find yourself enjoying a discussion board a little more. This way you can post your thoughts on a particular subject in a specific category, and have your audience continue the discussion, What they agree with, what they don’t, etc. etc.
I think it is as much a curse as a gift to have a firm grasp on many things in life, but use your vast knowledge to help people, to motivate people, to inspire people with all of your knowledge.
Feel free to contact me if you would like some assistance in setting up whatever it is you finally decide on. I enjoy working with knowledgeable people and can help you launch a website if you would like.
I hope that this helps you find the road you are looking for.