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Why Is Apple’s Iphone4 Charging Chinese Users 300 Yuan Per Hour For Secret Downloads?

The Apple iPhone4 just hit the market in China and everyone who bought one is outraged. Their iPhone4 is secretly connecting to the internet and they are being charged 300 yuan per hour for unknown downloads. Consumers are outraged and Apple has a great deal of explaining to do. This financial fraud by Apple will not go unpunished! Apple CEO Steve Jobs may be facing criminal charges in China very soon. This latest crime comes on top of the abuses at Apple’s Foxconn manufacturing facility in Shenzhen that lead to over a dozen deaths.…

No Responses to “Why Is Apple’s Iphone4 Charging Chinese Users 300 Yuan Per Hour For Secret Downloads?”

  1. Anonymous says:

    The link you posted leads to a page that says:
    This section of the website is restricted to subscribers only.
    Please login below.
    Please give us your login ID and password so we can be angry at Steve Jobs, too.
    Thank you.

  2. Anonymous says:

    As others have pointed out, the link you have even does not work.
    I have spread some time searching for the correct link as shown below.
    Goto the search page and type in apple.
    The story is about one person.
    The article clearly states that
    “”Neither China Unicom nor Apple Inc is ‘stealing’ money from users by consuming unnecessary data traffic,” insisted the engineer, surnamed Zheng, with China Unicom’s iPhone Technology Center.”
    “Zheng said some iPhone 4 users believed they turned off data traffic-consuming applications (apps) by simply tapping the “Home” button, as was the case with the iPhone 3.
    However, on the newer model those apps still run in the background.”
    This running up of the bill is due to people not reading the instructions correctly and assuming things they did. This should be a lesson to people to read the manual page first.
    Apple only sell the hardware they make no money from the calls it makes. That does to the likes of China mobile and co.
    I can only assume that you meant to post a false link to camouflage your anti-western bias.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Your link contains no such news story but a newspaper site that asks me for a paid subscription. If anyone should be sued for fraud it should be you.
    Without a reasonable link so we can review the article we can’t answer your question. As far as I know it could be in the terms and conditions when buying the phone.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Fraud in China is not news. It is common.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Because your link is bogus. That’s why we have to pay 300 yuan to you to able subscribe to your solicited website called :…
    Fraud and impersonation plus misrepresentation, abusive behavior, and solicitation indeed will not go unpunished! lol

  6. Anonymous says:

    I’m sure it isn’t just Chinese users…or you could blame China Unicom, Chang Xiaobing, and Lu Yimin for such greedy measures…..
    “Apple CEO Steve Jobs may be facing criminal charges in China very soon.”
    Thanks for the laugh. Where does it say that?
    I applaud you for standing up for the Chinese. You’re a good guy at heart. But at the same time, you need to stop with the rhetoric and grow up and be mature.

  7. Anonymous says:

    I need your login ID and password to access the link that you gave. Please furnish the same so that I can verify your claim and offer my valuable suggestion to you.
    Thank you in anticipation

  8. Anonymous says:

    ” his financial fraud by Apple will not go unpunished! Apple CEO Steve Jobs may be facing criminal charges in China very soon ”
    I indeed hope so. But I’m less optimistic than you are. China’s consumers need develop a mechanism to protect themselves. The sooner the better. It is also necessary for the China’s workers to find a way in dealing with the the multinationals giant, like Apple, Inc. to protect their own interest.
    It is the hard-working Chinese worker who did a huge favor to the US—be it US consumers or cooperations, not the other way around.


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