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Who Has Handled This Jared Lee Loughner Situation Well In The News And In Politics?

Not many people I can say have handled this well. From what info I have I have come up with a few decent people who have handled this situation better than others:
*Barack Obama(focused solely on the victims all weekend and didn’t politicize it)
*John Boehner(gave a nice speech Sunday morning also focusing only on the victims and nothing more)
*Elliot Spitzer(I never thought I would congratulate this guy for anything but he reported it fairly on his show last night) who pointed out on his show that the man’s favorite books ranged from Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto to Mein Kampf making it more difficult to actually affiliate him with a party
*Stephanie Condon, a journalist for CBS News, who reported the man was a registered independent and also didn’t polarize the situation(… )
*CNN in general for reporting this as fairly as they could and not just Eliot Spitzer(…
* Greg Gutfeld & Bill Schultz & Andy Levy for not pointing fingers and also reporting it fairly(and Gutfeld added on to the books Spitzer listed by adding an Ayn Rand book which really makes this confusing) and saying that the man’s attacks were not politically motivated from what info he has
I have seen a lot of disgusting rhetoric from both sides trying to capitalize on this tragedy. Now, I am not saying the people I listed have not done this, in fact I could be wrong in my judgments and I know there are people I am missing(hence why I asked this), but from what info I have I have drawn this conclusion and would like to add on to it.
Look what this guy posted on his myspace by the way:…
Anyways, who has handled this well?

No Responses to “Who Has Handled This Jared Lee Loughner Situation Well In The News And In Politics?”

  1. smsmith5 says:

    Fox news

  2. Josh K says:

    BBC News

  3. John says:

    fox and cnn did a good job of not politicizing it.

  4. Surreal Dissolution says:

    You should hear the special comment Keith Olbermann made. He talks about violent rhetoric on both sides and apologizes for his own comments as well. Very classy of him. Here is a link:…

  5. Chris Black says:

    The only ones to handle this well is sadly, comedians. Jon Stewart and Colbert both made very brief comments on the situation and focused directly on the victims and avoided the blame game and really all other news entirely and after regressed to pre-recorded comedic offerings.
    For a comedy based, fake news duo, they handled this with much more composure and compassion than ANY other media outlet. A sad day when comedians have more media clout than any other journalism source.

  6. blueeven says:

    Although I am hardly a fan, oddly Keith Olbermann seems to have summarized things best and, surprisingly, took some responsibility for the political tone in the country.

  7. Al B says:

    Here is my answer…I will never, ever watch MSNBC again.this is not news its comedy with untalented hacks…Hopefully ComCast will fire them all.
    They never gave the crime a chance to develop from an investigative standpoint…it became political
    and criminal for a newsgroups behavior……………….watch the comedy channel or ur navel.


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