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Theists, Even If There Was A God, Why Should Anyone Be Affiliated With Your Blood Thirsty Religion?

Does it not bother you the amount of death and destruction waged in your religions honour?

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  1. 888 says:


  2. dinkle says:

    Not all theists have a religion…

  3. Ross says:

    The devil can cite scripture for his purpose…Shakespeare

  4. Crybaby Atheist says:

    I am not responsible for death and destruction wreaked under the banner of Christianity. That also neither adds nor detracts from the veracity of the underlying claims. A logical person would understand this.
    Either it is true or it is not. It matters very little whether someone has used it for ill gains.
    Now, if you are speaking of the actions of actions of God outlined in the OT, well, I guess you just have to ask yourself if an overarching Creator may have had any reason to engage in that activity.
    Odd how you’ll, for the benefit of the argument, say this God exists, but you’ll saddle said God with anthropomorphic limitations.

  5. fokker - it's an airplane! says:

    Be affiliated or not – we all need to pick our path.
    Humans have committed atrocities since the dawn of time in the name of money, power, land, and resources. As human beings, should we stop moving forward because we are bothered by it?

  6. Andres says:

    What religion are you talking about? Islam?

  7. The Black Rabbit of Inlé says:

    I’m an atheist, but murders by anti-theist regimes in just the last 84 years dwarf the death toll of Christianity over 2000 (colonialism has never been religiously motivated):
    All from this very famous scholarly study into ‘Democide’…
    01,000,000 : 1095-1272 : Crusades
    00.200,000 : 1208-1249 : Albigensian Crusade
    00.100,000 : 1400-1700 : Witch Hunts
    00.350,000 : 1500-1800 : Spanish Inquisition
    05,750,000 : 1618-1648 : Thirty Years War
    61,991,000 : 1917-1987 : USSR
    03,468,000 : 1923-1948 : Maoists China
    76,702,000 : 1948-1987 : Communist China
    01,663,000 : 1948:1987 : Communist North Korea
    02,035,000 : 1975-1979 : Cambodia

  8. Jen says:

    My religion is not blood-thirsty. No death or destruction has been waged for my religion.
    That’s called broad brush stereotyping and you should stay away from it because it only shows ignorance and foolishness.

  9. Marina says:

    Good question….I think they believe they’re saving us from hell by turning us into God loving people. Even though they’ve condemed a lot of people to hell over the years, for example the burning times. But now they’re convincing others that the reason to turn chrisitan is because Jesus is coming back 2012, and even though he loves them he going to kill us all… Makes sense doesn’t it. Loves you, so he’s sending you to hell. Forgiving God, who’s still sending his critics to hell.
    Lol, their logic is illogical. An Omnibenevolent God who wants to send a significant amount of his people to hell. Because he loves you!
    Also, religion is one of the main causes of war. The ‘holy’ crusades. The catholic inquisition. Phillip of Spain invading while Qeen Elizibeth of England ruled because they were two different denominations.

  10. kickinde says:…
    Atheists are one to talk…check out the link.
    Murders by Atheists (20th Century) Country Dates Murders
    Afghanistan 1978–1992 1,750,000
    Albania 1944–1985 100,000
    Angola 1975–2002 125,000
    Bulgaria 1944–1989 222,000
    China/PRC 1923–2007 76,702,000
    Cuba 1959–1992 73,000
    Czechoslovakia 1948–1968 65,000
    Ethiopia 1974–1991 1,343,610
    France 1793–1794 40,000
    Greece 1946–1949 20,000
    Hungary 1948–1989 27,000
    Kampuchea/Cambodia 1973–1991 2,627,000
    Laos 1975–2007 93,000
    Mongolia 1926–2007 100,000
    Mozambique 1975–1990 118,000
    North Korea 1948–2007 3,163,000
    Poland 1945–1948 1,607,000
    Romania 1948–1987 438,000
    Spain (Republic) 1936–1939 102,000
    U.S.S.R. 1917–1987 61,911,000
    Vietnam 1945–2007 1,670,000
    Yugoslavia 1944–1980 1,072,000


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