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Black Women: Do Black Women Wear Lingerie?

Whenever I open a Victoria Secret Catalogue, I never see any black women, or at the most one. Why don’t people market lingerie at black women, do they think black women don’t wear lingerie…why do I never see women like this in major lingerie ads:…

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  1. tiki says:

    Yes we do. That just shows you how racist victoria secret is. Their mission is to keep white women on a pedestal and give no one else shine. The closest to a black model you’ll find in a vicky secrets mag is chanel iman. She’s really light and she has almond eyes, she’s also 75%black and 25% korean. They hate showing black women anywhere because white women will get jealous, start a riot, and say that they’re catering to ethnic minorities too much which will make them stop purchasing from vicky secrets as much. And trust me there are plenty of black women who shop their as well.
    @vs, you know why there aren’t as many black models as their are white? Because most modeling agencies ask specifically for only Caucasian models. Where does that leave a black model trying to come up in that field? You could only name on your hand about like 5 black vicky secrets models, yet if you tried to do that with white models you would run of of hands and toes combined because there would be more than you could count. I hardly doubt that it’s just a coincidence. Why do you think that white women were complaining about tyra picking black models on Americas next top model? Because they were threatened and didn’t like the idea of their being a few more black models in the industry for white models to compete with for jobs.
    How do you think that make little black girls feel to know that they have a super slim chance of following their dreams as an actress or model because no one will hire them? It’s not because of their looks or talent but because of the skintone they were born with.

  2. tiki says:

    They have had black women in the past, and often feature them in their annual fashion show. It just so happens that VS has recently only hired white women, so no black women can be seen in their catalogues.
    Tyra Banks is obviously one of the more famous angels, and Selita Ebanks were both past angels that have retired from the company and were black. Edit: Just did a bit more research, Emanuela de Paula has also worked for the company, and I forgot Chanel Iman who is currently working for VS.
    The real reason behind this is probably due to the white:black ratio of models in general. There are more white models than blacks in general, and VS angels are handpicked from this bunch. Due to the abundance of white models over blacks, there will generally be a higher chance of a white model being chosen. This is also the same with Asian models. I can assure you that they are not racist in any form.
    @tiki. Well I did point out that there are more white models than black models in general, and I guess I forgot to state that the VS angels are just models who are already signed under an agency. I admit that it is difficult to get a modeling job if you are black, but I do not see how this shows that VS is racist. They are simply choosing from the group that is available, and it just so happens that (Let’s just say) 9:1 ratio of white models to black. Simply due to this, there is obviously going to be less black models working for VS as there are less black models in the industry. I don’t really think they’re racist as they hire models of all ethnicities, ranging from American to Australian to South African to European! I will admit that the fashion industry, you could say, discriminates against blacks, but I would not solely put the blame on VS.
    And you could say that the public is to blame as well due to cultural relativism. Our views on the blacks have improved, but still, they are not treated as equals. The public simply believe that Caucasian women are more attractive than black women, so the industry must adapt to this. So really, it isn’t entirely the fashion industry’s fault, but rather the faults of our own due to our unwillingness to change and accept others for who they are. You can easily see this on the FHM’s 100 sexiest women of 2010, or Askmen’s 99 most desirable women of 2011. I would say 70%-90% of the women featured are Caucasian, 10%-20% Black and probably less than 10% Asian. It’s simply, and unfortunately, public opinion.

  3. VS Guardian says:

    Yes. I’ve seen Black women in ads for lingerie but they are very toned down & not so sexy @ all, they like to show skinny White girls with boob implants, but the Black girls are usually really skinny and non threatening. A Black girl with bigger breasts and curvy hips/round butt would start to look too sexual.

  4. Batman Loves Robin says:

    I do sometimes.For the most part I like little shorts and t-shirts to sleep in.There are Black women in lingerie ads,mostly magazines but some do ads as well.It’s not a lot,but they are represented.A few were on your link.

  5. Girl Who Smells Like Soup™ says:

    I like nice underwears and bras but I am not into the whole lingerie thing. When I go to sleep at night I want to be comfortable. Usually I will wear boxers and a t-shirt or I will just sleep naked.

  6. Pinky C says:

    Open a different catalogue then you will

  7. OneDrop says:

    I know I will. 😛

  8. Skye_Lol says:

    Oh they do wear lingerie.

  9. Unorthod says:

    yes im quite sure they do they just arent advertised in the magazines

  10. ladycara says:

    Most teens wear booty shorts or a tee…black women do wear lingerie.

  11. ¢hø¢øℓατє ï ωïℓℓ αlώαïïʐ ℓøṿε ÿø says:

    I hope not.

  12. gua says:



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