Coca Cola used to contain traces of Cocaine – hence the name.
That was taken out years ago because of the laws.
People with allergies, people who have children and also Muslims and other faiths
have previously contacted the company Coca Cola who have always stated that there
is no alcohol added to the drink, if it was in there it would be a natural product and
not something added or fermented on purpose.
I’m sure they are regulated by the food commission or something, but because of all the
hype today that the secret recipe is out and because an ingredient states clearly
Alcohol 8 oz.
I would like everyone that is bothered to petition them to check for alcohol content on
this drink.
There is no question that it is addictive – the question is why?
Before you say that it is such small quantities it does not matter.
It is our decision and the label should clearly show all ingredients
for allergy and health reasons etc…
Why should they get away with keeping the truth about what’s in it
a secret? It may be marketing hype but people have right to know
now this ‘secret recipe’ has come out – and we don’t want to know
from the Coke company nor from some food agency that’s been paid off.
Someone else should check it out – maybe on TV live or something?
Who’s with me?
lol thats only what you have raad on the net and it nowhere near right
cause some mixtures dont make sense
They dont need to say it has alcohol in it because when the final dilution takes place the alcohol limit is lower than the legal limit. Anyone who eats leavened bread is probably taking in more alcohol than coke gives them.
First of all, I’d be suspicious of any “secret recipes” I found on the internet. Secondly, any lab could test a bottle of Coke and see whether or not it has alcohol in it, it doesn’t (or in amounts so small it couldn’t possible affect anyone). Thirdly, Coke contains caffeine, just like Pepsi, coffee and tea. That’s the addictive substance. Finally, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a can of Coke, but it does list the ingredients.
Of course it can be proved. Take a can of Coke and ask a lab to perform a simple chemical analysis. That will tell you exactly what is in the can. It will certainly tell you whether an obvious molecule, such as any type of alcohol, is present.
Coke may or may not be addictive, but this does not mean it has alcohol in it. For one thing, it contains caffeine and sugar, which are both “addictive” in that people become psycologically hooked and like the effect they get when they consume them.
8oz, is quite a lot. Where did you get this information from? I believe it`s the sugar and caffiene in the product that`s addictive. If it contains any alcohol the FDA would have been down on Coca Cola like a ton of bricks. As for it containing cocaine, absolute rubbish. Do you work for Pepsi?
Here is the link, Yahoo state that there is 8oz Alcohol in it. It must be true that there is alcohol in it.
Honestly if its a secret recipe I highly doubt anyone is gonna find the right one on the internet because if it was there alot more of the off brands would taste a heck of alot better. And I guarantee they are controlled by the FDA and they have more then likely already taken it to a lab to find out whats in it, and would not be producing it still if it was in it. Epically since coke is liked to cure morning sickness in pregnant women (but if u are prego its still not a good idea to drink coke anyway). Yes coke is addictive but so are alot of other things. All this is, is just a urban myth and some smart *** would think is funny. Not to be a ***** but use some common sense.
Coca Cola comes in 8oz cans usually. If there was 8 oz of alcohol in an 8 oz can, somebody would have noticed by now.
What, because it appears on Yahoo! it must be true? You’re joking of course. If you’re that paranoid have some tested by a lab.
there isnt alcohol in coca cola . it would be in the ingredients they have to by law put the ingredients …
At one time, Coca Cola did contain both Cocaine and alcohol. Remember, it was first marketed as a cough syrup. The popular cough syrup NyQuil contains alcohol. Back in the day, they believed that some strange things, such as cocaine and alcohol, were magical cures for everything. NyQuil has alcohol in it to make you sleep better. No, there is neither alcohol nor cocaine in Coca Cola
I’ll hold your coat whilst you go charging off to make a fool of yourself.
I won’t hold my breath waiting for your Coca Cola expose.
I personally think that they should show all ingredients which they have put in it.
Doesn’t it seem to be a good idea?