If porn tube sites host large portions of copyrighted content, can a user get in trouble for downloading?
With piracy being beaten down for the last few years, and more recently, the porno industry…are these tube sites actually safe? For example, can someone affiliated with the copyright holder legally throw up a bait file as is commonly done with other protocols? I mean…usually its only at most a full scene from a movie. Does that constitute a copyright violation?
If you’re talking about sites like Youporn and Pornhub, no. I’m pretty sure they are under no obligation to provide identifying information about downloaders of copyright-infringing content. Even if they were, I don’t believe it is economically rewarding for copyright holders to go after downloaders, it’s just not something they bother with. If you were UPLOADING copyright-infringing content you might have something to worry about.
Yes, you could get in trouble for downloading copyrighted content that you know or should know is not authorized.