I will make this clear, THE ACCOUNT IS NOT ON MY CONSOLE. I AM TRYING TO GET IT BACK ON MY CONSOLE. Now, I know the password but I dont know the email to recover it. (I only use like 2 passwords for each email adress I make) Is there something I can download or something to tell me my account email? LOL. The only reason I want it on my console is because it has all my DLC on it. From like 2 years ago. All my arcade games, etc. It was my first account, not to mention I bought some original xbox games off the market place as well. Is there any hope for me?
P.S. I’ve already called Microsoft. Apparently I keep getting the secret answer wrong(I’ve been calling about every 2 or 3 days and guessing) And there isn’t supposed to be a credit card on my account either because I was once hacked. Hence the email and password change. Anyways, my mom got the credit card canceled and thrown away. There are no receipts, nothing. I know ALL the billing info, and phone number, and address and etc. When I try to explain to them that there shouldnt be a credit card on the account and it was canceled years ago, they say “Oh, okay, I see” and are of no help. I have NO CLUE what the email is. I’ve tried so many. At least 15. (I make emails alot) Plus, I’ve made a couple for times that I have ran out of xbox live and had a preset free 1 month trial on my account. I’ve owned 2 xbox’s. And I;ve also created accounts to start over on game stats which you cant reset unless its a new account. I’ve done this for multiple accounts on Halo 3 back in the day, and once or twice for MW2. I really want my account back.
10 points please.