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Hypothetical: If A Republican Had Pursued All The Same Policies Obama Has Pursued, Would Democrats Support It?

Let’s pretend Mitt Romney had won in 2008 and done exactly what Obama has done….
Obama kept Guantanamo open. He kept Bush’s indefinite detention policies. He kept Bush’s state secrets arguments to shield the government from any lawsuits. He kept Bush’s guy (Bernanke) as the head of the Federal Reserve. He signed a health care “reform” bill into law whose centerpiece is an “individual mandate” (which is a Republican “market based” solution from the early 90s that Mitt Romney, a Republican, instituted at the state level in MA a few years ago). He tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan. He has committed about 50,000 troops to Iraq indefinitely (he claims they’re non-combat troops and that the war is over). He signed a bill to keep the tax rates on the “rich” the same as they were during the Bush years.
What if Mitt Romney, for instance, had done all this?

No Responses to “Hypothetical: If A Republican Had Pursued All The Same Policies Obama Has Pursued, Would Democrats Support It?”

  1. L.T.M. says:

    LOL I can hear it now “IMPEACH THE BASTARD!”
    EDIT: Hold On..for the one who said “Obama ended torture” that’s just plain bullchit! What’s Rendition? Do you have a clue? Well Obama uses it to this day.
    Here read this:
    Under executive orders issued by Obama recently, the CIA still has authority to carry out what are known as renditions, secret abductions and transfers of prisoners to countries that cooperate with the United States.
    Current and former U.S. intelligence officials said that the rendition program might be poised to play an expanded role going forward because it was the main remaining mechanism — aside from Predator missile strikes — for taking suspected terrorists off the street…
    …the Obama administration appears to have determined that the rendition program was one component of the Bush administration’s war on terrorism that it could not afford to discard…”Obviously you need to preserve some tools — you still have to go after the bad guys,” said an Obama administration official, speaking on condition of anonymity when discussing the legal reasoning. “The legal advisors working on this looked at rendition. It is controversial in some circles and kicked up a big storm in Europe. But if done within certain parameters, it is an acceptable practice.”…

  2. west texas mare says:

    Not no, but HELL NO. Democrats don’t support anything that has a whiff of Republican. The democrats are always complaining about the republicans not compromising but have the democrats ever COMPROMISED with the republicans? Not no, but HELL NO.
    Republicans can do no right in the eyes of the democrats. Plain and simple.

  3. Bethy says:

    If any republican had attacked Libya there would be 100k plus “peace” protests going on right now
    People would be spouting about how many civilians had been killed, 1000s by now probably
    Obama gets a free pass on everything
    oil spill (katrina) Libya (iraq) vacations (vacations) golf (golf)
    Corpsmen (nuclear)
    Obama is bush
    But is treated like a king

  4. Donald says:

    The Radical Extreme Leftist Democrats oppose any policy by a Republican no matter what it is
    A good example is the attack by Obama on Libya to steal the Lybian oil
    If a Repbublican had done that the Radical Extreme Leftist Democrats would have been absolutely hysterical.

  5. imaxkr says:

    Well, since many of the policies he has pursued are the same or reaffirmed the policies of the previous administrations the logical conclusion would be yes, but logic is not a strong consideration in partisan politics.

  6. Peace through blinding force says:

    Hypothetical not needed. Republicans very often sign-on to Democrat-written polices and in 100% of such cases the entire Democrat caucus begins to rail against them as evil before the ink’s dry on the Republican President’s signature.

  7. tfoley50 says:

    Well NO because the republicans are too conservative and for their own good BTW boehner, cantor and mcconnell loathe obama and will hate their own colleagues If they take his side that why they wanna shut down the government In defiance really.

  8. Winning! says:

    Republicans kept Gitmo open. He ended Bush’s torture policies his first week in office.

  9. Z says:

    No, because both Democrats and Republicans are hypocritical scumbags.

  10. Rocco Lore says:

    Democrats would be demanding Romney’s head.

  11. Hussian the Insane says:

    Of course not – its all about divisive partisan politics

  12. Liberals on the left says:

    Hell to the NO!
    Romney would be a ‘war criminal’ by now.

  13. I Take Mystery To Bed says:

    Not really. Remember that not ALL liberals support Obama’s actions.

  14. Ricky says:

    Oh wait no they wouldn’t sorry, didn’t read the question too well.

  15. Aragorn says:


  16. akelleys says:

    Don’t you get it? The entire anti war, anti big government spending, going green movement the far left Democrats mounted for the 2008 election was just blowing smoke up the American public’s A**.
    Obama the “PAID” (with our tax dollars) community organizer had a whole other agenda, and Thank God the majority of voters once their eyes were opened cut him right off at the knees. We can truthfully say it now– the far left’s dream of redistribution of wealth is not going to happen!
    God is dead sweet heart?—-maybe you should try telling that to Radical Islamics that commit Murder and Mayhem in the hope of going to heaven to obtain 40 virgins all to themselves! God is dead, wasn’t that the cry of the 60s, 70s, 80s and early 90s when all the collage students and whatevers took to using taking birth control pills and/or having abortions, generally behaving like animals inflicting AIDs and a host of other hither to unknown STDs onto the world and the youth that would follow after-wards. I read somewhere the sins of the fathers are visited onto the children.
    In short President Bush used common sense in fighting a lethal unbalanced threat to the world and the bible holds lots and lots of common sense rules for practical living.
    Last I heard Romney’s health care bill all but bankrupted Mass.

  17. Steve G says:

    I would support the attempt to get past the Republican blocks to closing Guantanamo (if Romney actually tried to close Gitmo). I would oppose indefinite detention policies. Not sure about the state secrets — some state secrets are justifiable. I would support Bernanke. I would support the health care reforms. I would support a strategy to defeat the Taliban and Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. I would support the end of combat operations in Iraq, but keeping our commitment to the people of Iraq, since we can’t “uninvade” them. I would oppose the extension of the Bush tax cuts for the rich.
    In other words, my positions would be the same as they are now, of course. I have positions on issues. I do not follow the positions of someone else.


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