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Should Dangerous Dogs Be Banned?

Anyone else think Rottweilers should be outlawed?
It doesn’t seem like a month goes by in this country before you read yet another story about some baby or toddler or elderly person being mauled and seriously injured or killed by a rottweiler or a pitbull.
I’ve come to the conclusion that these breeds of dog are just a loaded weapons, waiting to go off. One day their demeanor can be pleasant, and the next, there they are, snarling and covered in human blood. It leaves me wondering why it’s legal to own them at all.
I mean, it’s kind of like living will a full-blooded wolf or a tiger or something, except that people take extra, precautionary measures when parenting exotic pets because THEY KNOW THEY ARE DANGEROUS. You wouldn’t leave a seventh month old alone in the presence of your pure-blooded timber wolf, or that tiger/cheetah/ocelot you bought off the black market, would you? Yet, with rottweilers and pitbulls, you get these owners who are just wholly convinced that their little doggy — who they raised from a pup — is this innocent little charmer. And then this happens:…
Should these dogs be legal? Yes, I am sure there are rottweilers and pitbulls out there who have never hurt a fly, but how many more are just secret killers waiting on a hair trigger for something to set them off? And, of course, often as not, the person attacked isn’t even the owner — society and individuals wind up bearing the burden someone else’s poor choice in pets.
I can’t see keeping these breeds legal. They’re unpredictable and deadly, and yet we hardly bat and eye when something like this happens. Oh well… just have to keep hoping the neighbor’s dog doesn’t go rogue! Because, with these breeds, hope is pretty much all you’ve got. There is no certainty.

No Responses to “Should Dangerous Dogs Be Banned?”

  1. Andrew S My Shepherd chases wolv says:

    Either that or the discrimination against tigers should end.

  2. Lily De Silly Zwei says:

    Dangerous dogs are banned, I think it better to ban dangerous owners.

  3. Paige says:

    Before we outlaw Rottweilers I say lets outlaw all the Gang Bangin’ Gangsters. They do more crime, killing, torturing and many other awful things to people and children. Heck, if you listen to Rap music you should just be shot on the spot cause we shouldn’t take any chances.
    I mean, that’s what your saying with Rottweilers right? If its a Rottweiler than it should be put down, even if they aren’t aggressive or a threat to society? Just destroy the entire breed based on some bad apples who weren’t raised right. I say lets do it with Gangsters first and address the bigger problem.
    If anything I vote that you have to have a license to own one. Go through the proper obedience classes for yourself and the dog, have the proper facitlity etc. That way only responsible breeders/owners will get a Rottweiler, no Average Joe will want to go through all that. I say the same for APBT’s heck, all dominant breeds.
    Just for the record, what do most people say whenever they see a gang member who shot someone or got caught commiting awful crimes, especially if it’s a teenager or kid. Most people say “Never had a chance, he wasn’t raised right or disciplined from the start”. Same thing goes for Rotties.

  4. Sparky says:

    The problems are the owners not the dogs
    I had a co-worker who raise her child around gentle pitbull the pitbull helped with the child-rearing

  5. Who cares anyway? says:

    Ban the rubbish owners not the dogs.
    I don’t think dogs should be banned but owners should be made to prove they are responsible enough to own one.
    That should go for any dog.

  6. JustMe says:

    i am a strong opponent of animal rights activists.
    All dogs are not nice dogs so some need to be out down such as killer dogs.
    Fatal Attraction the television show is proof that animals need to be left alone in the natural habitat

  7. Jimmy says:

    No. Stupid people who train their dogs to be mean and can’t keep them in their own yard should be banned.

  8. English Gremlin says:

    What just rottweilers and pits? You know any dog can be dangerous and the media has a field day when one of these so called “dangerous” breed of dog goes and bites and damages someone. The media goes through stages, Alsatians, Staffs, rotties, Mastiffs have all been targeted. You are no more likely to get bitten from one of these dogs than from any other. On the other hand when they do savage children it does make me wonder who would choose to keep a dog like that around their baby…Me personally I am a dog owner and I have kids and I went and got a dog thinking about the risk to my children/other children and I got a small dog because if it did turn it couldn’t do the damage that one of the dogs you are talking about can do.

  9. louise d says:

    It’s a hard one, if these dogs are going to attack it is normally children,and babies that they attack. Why? How do people know that it is the owners fault when a dog attacks? Don’t you think these dogs are bread mostly because the breeder wants a vicious dog? I think pitbulls look really cute, but at the same time I really wouldn’t want one as a pet.

  10. Craig C says:

    They are? It’s just some people flout the law.

  11. Jbomb 22 says:

    The problems are the owners not the dogs
    I had a co-worker who raise her child around gentle pitbull the pitbull helped with the child-rearing

  12. ghiringhelli munks says:

    It’s amazing! Is it what you need?


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