I don’t have any real friends… I’ve switched schools numerous times cause of bullying and moving and financial issues my family had… Im a freshman in highschool but im currently going to a charter school specifically designed for people with behavioral issues, and/or depression/anxiety/mental health issues/disabilities. Most of the kids there are there for behavioral issues, which I’m there for depression/anxiety.. I’mkinda the outcast cause i dont act out like most of them do and i dont do weed or drink or any of that **** so aparently that makes me a loser.
I have a few friendly accuaintances i guess you could say, outside of school from past schools, but none that i could really call friends.. i have no social life whatsoever, party due to social anxiety and partly due to the fact i lost all of my middle school years, switching schools and homescooling, while other kids were making friends and finding their niche, and i was being a hermit all depressed hiding in my room.
I have no money to sign up for things at the rec center, my school has absolutely no activities to take part in, and theres no where to hang out around my house. I dont have my drivers license yet so i cant drive anywhere and my family is un-willing to do ANYTHING for me.
I feel like im stuck. all ive been able to do is make a few online friends, but that doesnt help much. it just keeps me inside on a computer more.
What do I do? I’m such a freaking loner.
i have the same issue
Being social.
just be nice……people will come to you like bees gather around a flower
pursue your passion and be yourself
because faking wont get you any friends just enemies
sorry if it doesnt help
arrange a study session or coffee. or ask for him and think create a convo and yea there ya go
Your best bet is too try to talk to those ‘acquaintances’ more, like over the internet. See if you have any common interests and you might get on better. However make sure you don’t pester them and you shouldn’t tell them too much about your personal life too soon either.
I will say this, my best friend has depression and went through secondary school without any real friends. She never left the house apart from to go to school, where she was bullied. However over the past 3 years she’s had loads of different social groups that she’s hung around with.
I admit that now we’re adults we only usually see each other or our boyfriends, we both have separate groups if acquaintances we see occasionally, but this happens as you get older.
My main point is don’t worry to much, try and chat too people see how you get on. But remember, when you get to college/a job you’ll make new friends.
Nobody has ever gone trough life without one real good friend
First, observe your surroundings and the people around you. Observe what are they’re lifestyle. Have a friend by, First introducing yourself, “Hi, I’m (your name). I am a new student here. Since your the first person that I’ve met, maybe I could spend time with you?”. Then during your lunch breaks, have lunch with him/her. Maybe while your eating start chatting out with her/him, gossip something. Or tell your experience on your past school, or your grades (anyway, if you have bad grades, try don’t telling it to your friend)..Hang out..Chill..Invite your friend to home.. And if you have an opportunity, to be a class president or join school contest, JOIN!