1. i am shy. i can’t find topics on the spot or have a good convo. i talk to the point but i try to participate and contribute and learn. i am straightforward. but i am not a boor, infact i appear elegant.
2. i don’t read novels, books, magazines – because i don’t get much time, but once i settle down in my work life, i definitely will because i like it.
3. my physics, bio, history, geography don’t look like i didn’t go to school but then they are not good either. However whatever time i get, i spend reading all this and improving my knowledge.
3. i dont talk much socially thinking i will say something foolish and people will make fun.
4. i topped in my school which is the best in town. but i think i was just a bookworm throughout. I have very less XP in life, but I am trying to focus on one area and find my niche.
5. i am lenient & cool. i am not perfect but not fastidious. “let it go” till it is very serious – that is what i like. i don’t make fun of people unless they deserve a middle finger. i have a soft corner for hapless and poor.
6. i am a music freak.
7. i like laughing all the time, and create good humor, sometimes it can be a big PJ or just because i want to find humor. it’s harmless.
8. lastly, i will love my girl and will do anything for her. Well to drop a few lines, a girl i see. she is so beautiful, looks damn stylish, and i am afraid to go and talk to her because i am shy (but she doesn’t seem). I refrain from introducing myself cuz i am shy and she seems indifferent. i don’t have the courage.
Can a girl like such a person?
Thanks, pl pl pl answer this. 10 points are all yours
Of course a girl can like you ! You sound like a very nice and decent person. You just have to step out there and show them that
Keep telling yourself that you can do it. Even if it doesn’t work out the first time, you can always keep trying
That’s the great thing about this kind of stuff. Don’t stress over it too much either, because you have LOADS of time. Keep a confident state of mind, and you’re set. 
Short answer: yes.
Ok your conversation “short comings” are easily fixable. The first rule about conversation is to talk about the person you’re insterested in. In other words, get her to do all the talking.
So when you see your girl, check her out from head to toe. Take mental notes of what she’s wearing, holding, her hair style etc. A simple question such as “hey where did you get those frames? They’re really stylish and fit your face and personality really well.”. You just gave her two compliments, showed you’re into her, and asked her to talk about herself.
Anything new on her make a pleasant comment. “New hairstyle? I really like it. What made you decide to change it?” “Oooo those shoes look great. I never understood women’s fascination with footwear. Can you give the scoop?” You can go on forever asking her questions about her.
As for topical subjects you don’t necessarily need to read a lot. Here are two short cuts. Watch CNN’s Headline news. In about 30 to 60 minutes you’ll know all the important stories on world events, domestic events, entertainment, sports, and business. You can use these topics to talk to your girl or to your boss or colleagues. “How about them Giants? Can’t believe he’s only hitting .180.” The other short cut is to catch some internet news like the stories on Yahoo. They’re not terribly insightful but are often great for entertaining conversation. “Did you see that Yahoo article about the most polluted cites in america?”
You’re obviously a serious and sincere, shy but nice guy. Of course, the confident ones seem to get all the girls and have all the fun – but that’s just an illusion. They appear to do so because everyone’s looking at them and noticing them. Guys like you don’t always draw attention, but that doesn’t mean they can’t get girls!
The girl you have in mind… well, it’s hard to say. If she seems indifferent, she may not find you immediately attractive or may already have a boyfriend. Of course, she may just not have really noticed you yet.
I’d say your best bet is to try to find her on her own (not with a group of mates who might take the mickey) and meet her eyes, then wink at her (winking is very cool and sexy!) or give her a smile (unless, of course, she’s just fallen over or something). If she smiles back, you could make a friendly comment about something neutral, like how hot it is or the big pile of books she’s carrying.
Once you’ve spoken to her the first time, it will feel easier to say, “Hi again,” when you meet her and gradually you’ll get to know her without the embarrassment of having to walk up to her and ask her out before she even knows you exist.
By the way, I wouldn’t admire her clothes or jewellery too soon – she might think you’re gay!