Admittedly she is neither Rock nor Pop, but an enchanting blend of World and Folk music. But She is also, hands down my favorite artist, as I find the originality of her synthesis of traditional Celtic, Irish Folk, Eastern European and Middle Eastern instruments, melodies, timings and aesthetics to be positively mesmerizing.
Despite being an unrepentant Metalhead, if I was stranded on a desert island, and only allowed on album that I could somehow magically play (the eternal Ipod or whatever, lol), her album “The Book of Secrets” would be it.
“Marco Polo”…
“Marrakesh Night Market”…
“Beneath a Phrygian Sky”…
“The Highwayman”…
MQ- Thoughts?
MQ2- For those familiar with her already, your favorite album? Song?
BQ- Who is the most magical, fulfilling musician you have ever heard?
BQ2- San Fransisco or New York City?
I adore her music.
It’s very delicate and beautiful and could probably soothe the most savage of men.
I don’t know if you’ve heard of Azam Ali.
She plays World and Middle Eastern music. It’s very mysterious and dreamy.
I’m not sure if you’d enjoy it, but I liken it to Loreena on some aspects.…
Also this Hugarian Folk band you may like called The Moon and the Nightspirit…
and one last one, Stellamara…
Hope you enjoy those.
MA2- Favorite album is “The Book of Secrets”
The Mummers’ Dance is the first song I heard and it remains my favorite.
BA- I’ll get back to you with that.
BA2- I haven’t been to either, I want to go visit San Fransisco more though.
Out of the ten years I’ve lived in California, I never went.
ma: it’s okay
ma2: i’m not familiar enough, i guess i lean more to the hillbilly side.
ba: bob, a guy very few people have heard of.
ba2: 710 ashbury
I have two of her albums and like her sound *very* much. I have a Christmas CD and the one you named as your “desert island” choice
I haven’t listened to that one in ages…. will have to get back to you re. a favorite song! (I’ll put it in my bag for tomorrow’s commute)

I’ll tell you what got her onto my radar, tho… you know the movie “The Santa Clause” with Tim Allen? LOVE that movie. One of my two favorite Christmas movies
The Bells of Christmas…
(My kid is calling from the kitchen, “Why are you watching Christmas videos???” lol He could recognize it from 10 seconds of playing, we’ve all seen it so many times
BQ: Sarah McLachlan came to mind first.
BQ2: West coast, baby, all the way. Give me that warm California sun….
I’m only familiar on the level of knowing one song, but I know my girlfriend likes her.
“The Mystics Dance”
It’s a pretty good track.
BA: Hm, musician(s): The band Abney Park.
BA: New York, easy.
I’m not picking the tofu eaters.
Wow, really?
Eh, either way NY is further North and therefore colder. So it’s my choice still.
I hate summer, I can’t imagine 100 degrees all summer (I’ve lived in moderate climates all my life).
I practically expire in 80 degrees.
Another good thing about NY is that I hear there are some great places around for sandwiches. There’s this on place in Pennsylvania call the Primanti Brothers that supposedly make one of the greatest sandwiches in the world.
Good evening KP
Ahhh… you know I really enjoy Loreena’s music, ever since I heard a couple of her songs used on the TV series “Due South” back in the 90s {also where I discovered Sarah McLachlan}.
MQ: I really love the songs that blend Celtic and Arabic, but my one gripe with ‘The Highwayman’ is that she left out several verses of the poem.
MQ2: As my favourite songs are spread across the albums, it’s tough to single out one ‘must play’ album, but I think it would be “The Mask and Mirror”.
For favourite songs, I have to mention :
‘Full Circle’…
** in progress, coming back **
I just had to scoop a f*cking log of **** out of my little cousin’s diaper (I’m babysitting him).