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Intelligent Design Believers: Would An Intelligent Designer Design An…….?

asymmetrical creature with no tissue, no tube within a tube body plan and virtually no niche? (Kingdom Animalia, Phylum Porifera)
Would an intelligent designer create parasitism? (Not commensalism, Not mutualism, pure parasitism)

No Responses to “Intelligent Design Believers: Would An Intelligent Designer Design An…….?”

  1. Punish the Gays says:

    Sin (Mostly gay behavior), caused nature to degenerate.

  2. Meka says:

    God created all things including you. He created us all and knew us from before the foundations of the world.

  3. Eric says:

    Well, obviously the organism must have a niche otherwise it would not have a place to live and grow and multiply itself, eh? Thus the answer is an unequivocal Yes! Parasitism arose from out of the corrupting influence of sin upon all of creation. Prior to the emergence of sin there were no parasites. Existing organisms became corrupted by sin and became parasitic in nature.

  4. Jedi says:

    Have you ever heard of the curse of sin upon the earth? Have you ever heard of God unleashing plagues on humans? The answer is yes to both your questions.

  5. dethmiay says:

    The world is not perfect enough for an almighty power to have created it.

  6. nosson says:

    God designed organisms with the ability to adapt and to survive many changes. if i eat to much and get fat that doesn’t mean I was designed to get fat I just got fat cause I over ate. Everything in nature has elements that developed that way that weren’t specifically designed to be that way.
    So to answer your question. Was it designed with all those features? Good chance it wasn’t. Was it intelligently designed? absolutely. No mechanism can function without an intelligence designing it. Its never happened and it never will.


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