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Should I Wear Heels For Prom?

this is going to be my dress for prom, fingers crossed.…
i’m 5ft 3″.. so pretty short. should i wear heels? and if so, what type?
thanks lovelies 🙂

No Responses to “Should I Wear Heels For Prom?”

  1. Ashley says:

    i just looked at your dress most definitely wear flats

  2. Fiona says:

    Ooh, that’s such a pretty dress! [:
    And whether or not you should wear heels depends on whether or not you can walk in them. I’ve seen girls who look awful with heels, because they just stumble around like a toddler with them on.
    If you can walk gracefully in them for a few hours, go for it.
    As for the type, I don’t think it really matters. Your dress is going to cover it anyway.
    But if you’re going with a guy, make sure that you’re shorter than him with the heels on. If not, you’ll make him feel really awkward ahaha.

  3. Genius Genie says:

    Medium wedge cuz it’s easier to stand in than regular heels

  4. Kitty Kat says:

    i think you should wear flats it will look very beautiful and that dress is stunning
    maybe something like this but without the diamond thingy haha

  5. the chosen one says:

    Yeah you could wear mid heels 🙂 in black
    help me please?…

  6. anonymou says:

    wear flats cos no ones gonna see your shoes and you’ll be comfy if you wanna wear heels you could wear silver heels (silver goes with purple)

  7. Steve says:

    Gorgeous dress shouting out for heels.


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