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Is It Legal To Make Download Links Or Files Available In My Personal Website?

Okay, so I’m making a website about music since I’m also a musician. My website contains my profile, contact, etc. but I haven’t uploaded it yet.
I’m planning to include a section for downloading the music sheets I currently have, to either share it to others/sell for little amounts to help me fund my website.
1. Do you think it will be legal for me to post download links of my uploaded musicsheets(in PDF, those that I’ve uploaded on upload sites) inside my website?
2. What if I ask for little amounts or donations from downloaders? Is it okay? Will it not cause any violation to copyrights or whatever?
3. How will I make money out of my website?
4. Is it okay to put affiliate download links?
If that’s not legal, maybe I’ll just put download links to my files for free. Would that be okay?
Please explain it well.
Thanks in advance.

No Responses to “Is It Legal To Make Download Links Or Files Available In My Personal Website?”

  1. Aaron says:

    If you have distribution rights or you wrote the music then no it wont be illegal. Otherwise the chances of someone finding your site and prosecuting you for it is pretty slim!

  2. Piggy says:

    the answer is simple and short
    anything copyrighted data are illegal to upload on any server
    about the “getting money “its very soon to talk about it
    after a year or two if your site be very famous and you have at least a half a million fans then you can add advertisements for getting some money

  3. Bobby says:

    If these are your own works, you have every right to sell them. If they are copyrighted, then distributing them on your site would be illegal. However, if you are just providing links to other websites that are distributing them, that’s fine. Otherwise google would be in some trouble.
    You can ask for donations, it won’t affect the legality of the thing. Another way to make money is putting ads on your site.

  4. Silent says:

    Is this music you’ve written yourself?
    If so, then it’s perfectly legal to make it available for download on your website, whether you charge a fee or not. You hold the copyright on it, so you get to decide how it’s distributed.
    If it’s music that someone else wrote, then you don’t hold the copyright on it, and distributing it without the copyright holder’s permission is illegal. This is true even if you don’t charge any money. Make sure you understand that part; it’s something a lot of people don’t get.


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