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What’s Worse Than Communism?

I used to think that communism was the worst kind of government, but in America, land of innovation, we have come up with something, much worse; Secret Government!
At least the communists have in mind to set up something they erroneously think will work
Those who operate a secret government have no interest in a successful system of government
All they want is power, money and control and they don’t care if it takes down our entire species, as long as they can enjoy material wealth
They’d send your kids into a war, based on nothing, just control of poppy fields, so they can corner the heroin market and make a killing of the addictive drug that is sold to our kids
These people are so rotten that they would sell out their country, sell out their species, sell us all down the river, for a few bucks and a little pleasure
They are the kind of people who hire hookers, overeat and rape children
They are lawless parasites
At least the communists are hoping for a better life for everyone!
So, what do you think? Do you like what we have or do you prefer communism?

No Responses to “What’s Worse Than Communism?”

  1. What On Eartha says:

    Corporatism. Because with it you get what they have come to call The Military Industrial Complex…that system.where the army is nothing more than the advance marketing team for the commercial exploitation of entire nations. Where innocent blood is spilled on the altar of profit and where the lower echelons of society are nothing more to the upper echelons than prospects for cannon fodder or slave labour.
    You know…like America.

  2. Don M says:

    By no means is what we have here worse than communism–even with your one sided and grotesque portrayal of our economic system, it is still better than communism.
    Communism is evil and unworkable because it oppresses the human spirit. And to accomplish their “hope for a better life for everyone”, they have murdered 100 million people.
    Your acceptance of their “good intentions” betrays a great deal of naivete on your part. You should be thankful to live in the U. S. where you are free and can pursue your dreams.

  3. born again bible believing says:

    yeah its called socialism for the rich , which is what any socialism or communism inevitably turns into, communist ideology was created for the purpose of ammasing power and wealth for the elites !!
    after the tsar of russia was overthrown did the reds chare the wealth ? no they went to there dachas !

  4. Andy says:

    Modern state-socialism. (Like we see in Greece, Spain, Sweden, Ireland, etc.)
    It’s the worst parts of communism and the worst parts of fascism rolled into one.

  5. usmcjriv says:

    nothing is worst the communism. i was born in a communist state and i can tell you that american people have no idea how good they have it. its a shameful government system.

  6. DukeofDi says:


  7. brown950 says:

    Questions about Communism.

  8. longhaired freaky person says:

    I prefer communism.

  9. Obama is a loser, says:

    No thank you if you want to live in a communism nation . then you free to so, but communism dose not work and can ever work.

  10. The Professor says:


  11. ellisdee says:

    Obama and the liberals are…

  12. Rick says:

    No wait that is the same thing

  13. Fang says:


  14. wichitao says:

    And the award for most asinine rant goes to . . . . YOU!


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