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What Is Your Political Party That You Are Affiliated With?

And were you raised around the same party? (aka – Did your parents belong in the same party as yourself?) If not, when and what made you join the party you’re in today?

No Responses to “What Is Your Political Party That You Are Affiliated With?”

  1. Canadian Student says:

    Liberal of Canada
    Parents are also liberal. So where grandparents.

  2. Soroush Saberan says:

    wigs… because I like elephants

  3. The Libertarian Mammoth says:

    libertarian who registered as a republican to be able to vote Ron Paul. parent’s are republican
    i became a libertarian do to the corruption of america’s duopoly

  4. Daniel says:

    I lean toward socialism, no most familys rep. And I was drawn towards it by learning, reading, and searching what I belived to be morally right

  5. Priestess Shizuka says:

    I am registered as a Republican so that I can vote in the primaries but I am a Democrat. So affiliated with the Republicans and attend TEA party rallies. I also make myself available to explain the TEA party to people.

  6. In Memory of Quorthon says:

    I am an authoritarian.

  7. gyt says:

    My parents were democrats but are now republicans.
    I started out as a republican but now am independent. I am conservative so I vote mostly for republican candidates, but not always.

  8. Andrew says:

    no. (dems)
    07-08ish; common sense and utter despise of conservatives, liberals, republicans and democrats in that order.

  9. Dead Canadian-hawk says:

    Liberal of Canada

  10. N says:

    I’m Liberal.
    My mom was a Republican, she switched when Palin became popular. Says she gives women a bad name.
    And my dad is Democrat.

  11. Paladin says:

    Libertarian, of course
    I grew up in a Democrat family, but am gradually bringing them around

  12. Loquisha says:

    Conservative Libertarian. I come from a family of nothing but democrats and they let me know in no uncertain terms how angry it makes them that I left the fold. Switched political affiliation after September 11th.

  13. Vitki says:

    My parents were and remain staunch republicans.
    by the time I was 20, I noticed that there didn’t seem to be much difference between the way the Reps and the Dems voted–far too often ‘Bipartisan’ bills were passed. It occurred to me that if they agree on everything, what’s the point of a two party system? It was about this age that I left my parent’s party and registered as an Independent.
    Today, the difference between the two major parties is a little clearer–the democrats have largely been overtaken by self serving sociopaths who proclaim they are progressive socialists, while the republicans have been overtaken by self serving sociopaths who proclaim they are fundamentalist christians.
    I remain unaffiliated to any political party today, nor am I likely to affiliate to one until such time that I start seeing party members who act on the behalf of their constituency instead of their financial backers.

  14. Y Ddraig Goch says:

    I’m a Nationalist. There’s no political party that I really like.


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