I would like to learn a new language. So far, here is my knowledge:
– Semi-Fluent Spanish (lost a bit, families native language on my fathers side)
-Fluent English
-Basic Polish
-Basic German
-Basic Italian
-Basic French
-Basic Chaldean
I am pretty good with languages and have a niche for linguistics. I’m only in the 7th grade and I am a girl as well. I was thinking of furthering my knowledge and fluency in German or Italian, but I’m not sure of which. I wasn’t satisfied with French, as I ended up giving up as I realized how bad my accent was and could not get it correct. My dad speaks Polish, though he isn’t Polish and I learned the basics and I may take the language further in the future. Chaldean is definitely a more difficult language, but since I live in a Chaldean neighborhood, I picked it up. I can say basic prayers and phrases in Chaldean. So which should I further myself in, German or Italian? Or should I choose another language? (Please give me a suggestion) Also, does this look good for a university application? I want to have a bright future. Thank you for your time(:
before starting a new language, you may want to further your studies of the languages that you have a basic understanding of. right now it sounds like you are a jack of all trades, master of..one
after that, perhaps mandarin or japanese? congratulations on your talent, by the way. i find that amazing.
the clasics look very good on uni applications
latin and greek
I would suggest having a think about what career you want to end up in and where you want to end up too. Universities with strong exchange programmed abroad will favour you if you speak the language of the country you’re visiting. I totally agree with the earlier comment: you should focus on one language before moving along to another.
Even if you don’t plan to study or live abroad, universities will be impressed that you have taken the initiative to learn a skill in your own time.
Actualmente, despues del ingles y el español, el aleman y el frances son los idiomas mas importantes y que mejor curriculum qlte da, el italiano seria eo quinto y despues iria el portugues, fuera de esos seis ya no es tan importante el orden.
You should further yourself in German. I’ve always wanted to visit there and there is alot to do in Germany. It might come in handy.
You should learn Mandarin. Over a billion people in the world speak it. But it’s really hard to learn. But hey, if over a billion people can, I think you can!
It will always look good on your application! But it also depends in what job your looking into. Some examples are an international phone operator, language teacher, translator, a tour guide, or if you want to be a missionary.
Hope I helped!
Portuguese. The 5th languange.