Hi I have been researching and reading books on internet and affiliate marketing for about 7 months and I have not “earned” one affiliate commission. I would be so happy if some one could give me a step by step make your first commission today proven method. I want to make this my “full time Job” can anyone help?
Your results so far should give you a hint about how realistic your chances are.
I personally said that …it is very hard to earn commission from affiliate marketing. Because it is not depend on you or visitor on your website. It also depends on users… that they want to take product from online market or road shop market.
Most people don’t make it in affiliate marketing, gurus will often tell you that too often people quit when they were on the threshold of success.
The fundamental thing is to reach many many prospects either by putting a lot of time and sweat into developing a site that ranks well in the search engines or by floating a good size budget in advertising. Yea there are techniques to select the best markets and products and to convert the most visitors into buyers, the roughest conversion guides suggest a rule of thumb conversion estimate of 1%, if one in 100 visitors to your site clicked a banner and 1 in 100 of those actually made a purchase from the sales page, it would require 10,000 visitors to your site per commission. Hopefully your site is more efficient, but it reminds you that it’s all a numbers game.