Initially they were all like “Oh we have to be family friendly and ensure all our young gamers are safe, so we keep them anonymous and have no fixed identity and force them to use multiple friend codes for multiple games.”
Now with the 3DS they are like “Well, the other companies have found a niche in online, so we better do it just to fit in with the market…but just one friend code…forget gamertags”.
Then with the Wii U they are like “Maybe we will get someone else to do it for us.”
3ds is still expensive to me if its only 99 cents i buy 1 still and the wii u is just like the ds except they are not connected which it looks cool but its not and thanks for the 2 points
Because unfortunately Nintendo would rather make their money of little kids instead of their true fans who have been loyal since the early days. Now they wanna try to be hardcore again all of a suden trying to win their lost fans. Nintendo is really going down the gutters. I hope they finaly learn from their mistakes because they’re losing lots of money.