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I Am Into Computers, But Do Not Think I Will Be Able To Pass Computer Science Classes.?

Hi, all my life i have been into computer gaming, and fairly decent with computers. I recently have been looking into my college major, and realized that my interest in computers may have a very hard major affiliated with it. I do not want to just settle with a business major because that doesn’t excite me, computer animations and maybe testing or creating games really is what i want to do. My question is, if i have little to no actual computer science skill, will i be able to keep up with the classes and work? Also what should i do to maybe prepare for it ( being able to not jump into it extremely confused ).
Thanks to all who give me advise!

No Responses to “I Am Into Computers, But Do Not Think I Will Be Able To Pass Computer Science Classes.?”

  1. Truman says:

    I think that is what college is for, they TEACH…

  2. Mr. Smartypants says:

    I would say you should take a few courses in beginning computer science. Programming, for instance, something with binary math and logic, stuff like that. If you find that hard you can just move on to something else. Most departments in college have what used to be called ‘survey’ courses (maybe still are). Courses that are for non-majors, to get a taste for what the subject is all about. Usually they are most of the courses that don’t require prerequisites. 8^)

  3. Vomit says:

    Oh, come on, they start you out really easy in CS, usually with Java or Visual Basic. The hard part isn’t really getting into it. The hard part comes later when you do more than just chuck some bits of code together.
    And game design is a pipe dream that you should forget now, or at least temper with caution. Part of the reason the gaming industry tends to treat their junior developers like utter crap is because there are so many doe-eyed kids with a shiny new degree trying to go into the field.


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