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Is It The Duty Of The President To Veto Any Legislation That Confounds Individual Rights?

in either domestic and/or military law?
While military custody may be appropriate; indefinite imprisonment is problematic.
“In its veto threat, the White House said it cannot accept any legislation that “challenges or constrains the president’s authorities to collect intelligence, incapacitate dangerous terrorists and protect the nation.” Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and FBI Director Robert Mueller have opposed the provisions.
Republicans counter that their efforts are necessary to respond to an evolving, post-Sept. 11 threat, and that Obama has failed to produce a consistent policy on handling terror suspects.
The bill would require military custody of a suspect deemed to be a member of al-Qaida or its affiliates and involved in plotting or committing attacks on the United States. American citizens would be exempt. The bill does allow the executive branch to waive the authority based on national security and hold a suspect in civilian custody….”
It is appropriate to set clear timelines considering charges.…

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  1. Marine says:

    In my humble military opinion, the Republicans have it right (for a change). Even a number of Democrats climbed onboard the reality train to counter Senator (ultra liberal) Diane Feinstein’s amendment to the bill. We are at war with an enemy that has no borders and no National boundaries. Any so-called American citizen who takes up arms against the citizens of the United States is a traitor and automatically loses their citizenship. In the “old” days, they were executed at sunrise. Today, we need to find out as much as possible about their connections that caused them to take the action that they did. They want to kill US Citizens, as many as possible. Your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your girlfriend, your boyfriend, your wife, your children. They do not care who they kill or maim. They have taken up arms against all American citizens.
    They are the enemy and they only seek to kill other Americans. Those that have been released from the prison in Cuba have proven that they will not change. Our only solution to protect those listed above is to either execute them (best option) or imprison them, next best option until the threat has been eliminated or they are too old to be a threat if we do not have will to protect ourselves by execution. Some people will not change. So if you are willing to have your parents, friends, girlfriends, wife, children to be scarificed, then do the right thing – agree with the bill.
    The President has proven to be an ultra liberal. Instead of thinking about ways to protect our citizens, he is concerned about making sure that a terrorist has a free and clear path to kill us (my humble opinion after observing his actions over the past 3 years)
    Lieutenant Colonel, US Marine Corps-Retired (war is hell and so is not doing things to protect the population of the United States against people who would kill us without a second thought!)


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