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For Independent People, What Is Your Views On These Political Issues (independents Only Please)?

Gay Marriage
Gun Control
Health Care
Death Penalty
Immigration Control
INDEPENDENTS ONLY! this means your not affiliated with any political party (but your own)

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  1. Khaled says:

    independent is a broad term in fact the only independent member of congress is a socialist

  2. name says:

    I think gay marriage should be legal. But ideally the federal government would be out of marriage anyway.
    I think the legality of abortion should be based on fetal pain. It should be legal until the process of termination causes the fetus pain. Up until then, it ought to be the woman’s decision whether to abort.
    I think gun control regulations should be minimal. Guns don’t kill people; people kill people. Revoking them would do nothing to help protect people. Hell, we may need them to defend ourselves against our increasingly tyrannical government.
    I think the states should decide what kind of healthcare system to have; one size doesn’t fit all.
    I am strongly opposed to the death penalty. It’s barbaric and the way it’s done doesn’t make any good difference. The government killing terrorists, however, is fine because that is to protect people. But they should still be given trials if possible.
    I think we should provide incentives for illegal immigrants to go through the legalization process.

  3. Rollingl says:

    Gay Marriage- You’re not going to find me waving a sign or marching anywhere, but I do feel they should be able to get married.
    Abortion- Pro-choice and pro- quality of life.
    Gun Control- I think they need to make it a bit stricter. Maybe make it so that anyone who wants to own a gun has to go through a basic mental evaluation. Of course, the people doing the evaluation won’t know the person is trying to get a gun, just to make sure that there isn’t any skewering.
    But I’m against any form of banning or otherwise making them harder to get.
    Health Care- I think there needs to be an affordable basic health plan out there that anyone can get into. Not one that’s mandatory, but one that anyone can afford one way or another. I find it absolutely pathetic that there’s an entire crowd out there who has to rely on the emergency room for a doctor. That can’t afford to visit their regular doctor unless they know for absolute certain that it’s something dangerous because they can’t afford co-payment.
    I’m for the death penalty, but I do think it needs some serious revision.
    As far as immigration, if they’re here legally I’m 1000% okay with that.
    If they’re here illegally, then something needs to be done about it. There’s many a reason why it’s illegal, and by being here illegally they are automatically criminals and should be treated as such.

  4. Lake M says:

    For gay marriage, its a violation of the basic principles of liberty.
    For abortion, its not something that should have to happen, but this is the real world, **** happens, and its a good thing to have the option to terminate.
    For Gun Control, but only to an extent, automatic and semi-automatic rifles should not be legal, and we need to make sure criminals and lunatics can’t own guns.
    For universal health care, it works, Americans pay the most for health care in the world, and its the best option in terms of helping the average American. Even the Swiss have universal care and they have lower taxes. The system works, nations with the system have higher life expectancies.
    Against the death penalty, the bureaucracy makes it more expensive than incarceration, and the government should not have the right to murder its citizens.
    Have a quota for immigration, and have a points system for allowing them in, if they are willing to go through the process legally, they should be allowed in. Those who aren’t, we need to co-ordinate with the Mexican government on the issue more.

  5. Ogslog Mcbain says:

    I am an independent. I believe gay marriage should be an issue decided upon by voters in each state. I am opposed to abortion. As a Christian, I believe a fetus is an embryo and a potential human and that God gives and takes away life and I do not think anyone has superior intelligence to God and I believe it is a violation of the First Commandment. I wish criminals did not have guns, but I am not in favor of repealing the 2nd Amendment because what would the government want to repeal next, the 1st or 5th Amendments? I believe health care runs best when the government gets out with its regulations. I am opposed to the death penalty for the same reason I am opposed to abortion. I believe there need to be better secured borders but people here should be given a path to citizenship if they want that or a ticket back home if they don’t. I am totally independent. I voted for Obama in 2008, and will vote against him in 2012.

  6. Thumm9 says:

    Gay marriage should be allowed but most christian churches shouldn’t support it.
    I’m pro life, but believe in certain extreme circumstances like rape, it should be allowed.
    Less Gun control- its a guaranteed right in our country, and someone looking to kill will find a weapon on the black market so it hardly makes a difference and it hinders peoples ability to protect themselves.
    Against socialized healthcare,
    For death penalty if evidence is conclusive.
    believe in strong borders- people complain about how hard it is to be a U.S. citizen those people should go to Mexico and see how hard it is to become a citizen there.
    I believe most of these should be state not federal issues.


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