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I Need To Put My Tb Out On Loan?

I need my 10 yr old tb out on loan (personal reasons) but none of the adverts i have placed seem to be attracting attention, can someone help me write out an advert.
My tbs qualities are;
10yr old
He can be ridden by all ages
Does showjumping, could affiliate, not phased by jumps
Does cross country
Currently concentrating on dressage
Good stable manners
Good to shoe, load, clip, bath, catch.
If any more info is needed just tell me.

No Responses to “I Need To Put My Tb Out On Loan?”

  1. Janian says:

    You haven’t put a price… also, I’ve found that some of those things e.g. cross country/ dressage can be quite intimidating.
    If you are willing for him to have a noncompetitive home say so, as someone may just want to school/hack him.

  2. Rach13 says:

    just saay someting like.
    “…….” is a Bay 16.3hh 10yo throughbred gelding? has been ridden by different people of all ages, good hack horse but has also done showjumping, cross country and has started dressage he has very good stable manners and is great to shoe, float, clip, bath and catch. i would like him to stay the the agistment property or near the same area but not too far. he is “$” a week/month. great throughbred sutible for all ages all experiences?
    how does that sound? he sounds like a lovely boy hope it all works out for you, & hope your reasons for putting him on loan get sorted soon. good luck xx

  3. gale hawk says:

    If you have a trainer or used to work with a trainer check with them. You do not want some Yahoo, want to be Cowboy, leasing the horse and mucking him up royally BTDT.
    Another option, the one I settled on, was a lease to a riding school. My Hubby’s riding Instructor was a bit startled at the thought of a Saddlebred at a Thoroughbred hunter/jumper barn but fell in love with my girl when she saw that she not only jumped but was sweet and well trained.
    I have a bad back and the first time I was injured I leased her to a friend. She came back with a lot of bad habits. The second time when I re-injured my back I tried the riding school and the horse came back better trained than when I sent her.
    Go to shows or tack shops or feed stores and find out who are the other good barns in the area that teach show Jumping/Dressage. Let them know you have this great animal for lease. They may allow an ad to be placed on a message board in the barn or they may have a student looking for a good horse to lease.
    Your best bet is word of mouth through trainers/instructors.

  4. Danni says:

    “I have a 10yo 16.3hh thoroughbred available for lease who can be ridden by all ages. A nice calm nature and is perfect to shoe, float/truck, catch and clip. He’s fine in water and has competed in ….. and jumps confidently to ….. meters. I have recently been focusing on dressage to further his skills. He currently works good in a ….. (outline?) and is just starting to understand ….. (flying changes perhaps?) He isn’t fazed by ….. (traffic) and has a great time at the ….. (beach/forest/river/shows.) Never acts up.
    I would prefer for him to stay in Hartlepool, and have a kind and confident rider who will bring out the best in him.”
    This is a brief description, and the least that I’d expect to read on a horse ad. It gives brief details on the horse and if someone is interested, they’ll contact you for more information. I have never, ever, read an ad that includes the leasing fee, well, in my country anyway, so I wouldn’t’ recommend adding it unless you think it’s necessary. I would also add good quality photos that portray him brilliantly.…
    I found this ad description very appealing to the eye. It’s straight to the point, clean and tidy, and lists all the basics you need to know about the horse. I perfer to read ads like this than long paragrpahs. But that’s just me.


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