I don’t know what to do! For these past few months at night, while I’m listening to the BBC, as I will do at home, because I like schedules, and suddenly the urge to convert to christianity will overcome me.
As far as I’m able to deduce, it is possible that as opposed to pressing a Carrier in law, I am to forgo law school and attend seminary instead.
I love history and I am a political science major. I know next to nothing about religion.
When I was a little younger, like 17, I wanted to be a minister. My nickname was the most high reverend and I would do funny things like bless people at debate tournaments. Now 7 years later I find myself wanting to embrace god again. The only reason I don’t do that is because I wouldn’t be sure what to do the next day. As in ‘what are the rules I would follow?” Type thing. I also have no social support, at all, because I’ve lost all of my friends since I was 17. I live with my parents and am a 2.5 gpa student, not spectacular. Also, I’m very shy and I”m not so sure what kind of a minister I would make because I’m not good in group settings Although I am a master orator. So, in conclusion, I don’t know is this the normal process by which god calls one to the ministry? What do I do next? Why would god call me?
The call to the ministry should come out of a current lifestyle of ministry to others. In other words, it should be something you do because it is the next step in the direction of your life. If you are not serving in some capacity in a local church right now, you really have no business making a move toward the ministry. For one, you have no clue what it’s about. It’s not just about getting up and making speeches. It’s about sharing the overflow of the life of God within yourself. It’s about being a servant to others. It’s about being a channel of God’s love into the lives of others. If you cannot get excited about loving others (even the unlovable) and serving others unconditionally, you should not be viewing the ministry as a career option.
I’ve heard pastors say that you should not enter the ministry unless you find that you simply cannot see yourself doing anything else.
It’s called having a brain. Your brain is telling you to do this, not a god. You live your life with many hobbies, these hobbies then become something big, such as this fantastic career that you wanna go through.
There are absolutely bucket loads of money to be made from religion – pushing it or treating it … and all perfectly LEGAL – if only I could keep a straight face.
you believe GOD is calling you to serve HIM

as a minister (teacher)
and you are not even a student of The WORD (or a believer)
sorry (can’t happen)
GOD has more wisdom than man(kind)
would you want someone to work for you
that is not at all qualified?
would you want a dentist who trained to be a dentist filling your cavities
…..or someone else , like a janitor……..(that never went to dental school)
not attacking janitors (just an example)
GOD does not send out people to serve HIM
that are not quallified…..
and 90 day wonders are not quallified either
most bible colleges are missing the TAV (…..or “MARK”)
like any new born baby, you must start with the milk of gods word until you can begin to eat meat. 1 pet 2.1 and foll, with heb 5.12 to 14. dont think about being a minister just yet as you will need to be ministered to for a few good years anyway although you can be a witness for christ the first day you meet him of course. acts 1.8. simply receive jesus into your life and start walking with him in a bible believing church and he will show you what is next. acts 9. chrislandwer@yahoo.com