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Why Is Rick Santorum Demanding Government Secret Service Protection, And Not Private Security?

I thought privatized security was more efficient? Plus it doesn’t cost taxpayers money.
Does he hate the free market & capitalism? Socialist hypocrite.

No Responses to “Why Is Rick Santorum Demanding Government Secret Service Protection, And Not Private Security?”

  1. tribeca_ says:

    Hypocrisy among Republicans is quite common. When they are personally affected they seem to forget about their rhetoric and instead demand government services or sometimes even special government-provided privileges. It is how they operate.

  2. Sir Studley Smugley says:

    No, he’s actually a typical capitalist – keeping profits private, but socializing any liabilities or losses. Chemical and oil companies have been doing it for years. And I don’t think I need to tell you about the friggin’ BANKS.
    Mitt Romney complained about taxpayer cash going to GM and Chrysler – even if it was to save thousands of jobs. While he was with Bain, I have NO DOUBT that Mittens would have had no problem offloading any liabilities of the companies he raided directly onto taxpayers; meanwhile he would have pocketed any profits, and paid the least amount of tax possible.
    Sanctum Sanctorum is no different. You’re only half right; Santorum IS a hypocrite, but he’s a CAPITALIST hypocrite – not a socialist one. Unless he can find more ways off offloading his costs on taxpayers. He’d probably apply for food stamps if he could, and order his accountants to find a way to deduct it from his taxes.
    At any rate, he ain’t hurtin’, and he’d rather see middle class people hurt than he himself. I mean both fiscally and physically, but in either case, he wants to make YOU pay for it.

  3. Steven says:

    Although privatized security does work in many circumstances, with government and politics in DC, the US government has the best system in the world for security. Rick Santorum probably knows through experience that the FBI and secret services are the best and most apt individuals in their field of work. They have all the best technologies and really are they best equipped better than any other outfit in the world! He is a champion of capitalism or the free market, but sees room in our society some government agencies…which is reasonable.

  4. Jay says:

    Considering that some people feel that the Obamas should never leave the White House because it costs the taxpayers money for their security, it does seem odd that there would be support (from those same people) for having the taxpayers fund security for someone that isn’t even a nominee for the Office of President.

  5. abitleft says:

    The Secret Service traditionally protects those candidates at the primary level who request it. Given the hate-filled atmosphere surrounding the election process, the level of protests, the threats, that is as it should be.

  6. fangtaiy says:

    Private security is not more efficient, and most candidates are entitled to Secret Service protection at some point. I think bit is a bit too early for the candidates still locked in primaries

  7. magick says:

    Glitter can be quite dangerous . Yes , he is a hypocrite and an a&&hole Hopefully he will be turned down .

  8. Dr Yes!!! says:

    He’s justifiably scared of his own conned-servative followers.

  9. Paladin says:

    as a major candidate, he has Secret Service protection whether he wants it or not

  10. Jaime says:

    The Secret Service after a while wont know which one to protect.

  11. Beaver.T says:

    It makes him LOOK important, but even crazy guys wouldn’t waste $.50 bullet on him…..he’s THEIR Hero…..

  12. Brother of Justus Joex says:

    LOL.. it is good one :)..

  13. Your Illustrious Leader says:

    I think it’s the normal routine.

  14. Shovel Ready says:

    Using your logic, I, as a taxpayer, should have the option of not paying for obongo’s Secret Service protection. Thanks for pointing this out for us.


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