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Is The Nomination Of Mitt Romney Proof That Conservatives Do Not Know What The Hell They Are Doing?

This is the least conservative running for the GOP nomination, but yet conservatives are still flocking by the bunches supporting this man and this man has never been affiliated with the tea party in any kind of way, not to mention he has been on the left of many issues such as Gun control, Global Warming, Gay marriage, Obamacare=Romneycare and so fourth….
Are liberals correct in saying that conservatives are literally some of the dumbest people here in USA?

No Responses to “Is The Nomination Of Mitt Romney Proof That Conservatives Do Not Know What The Hell They Are Doing?”

  1. American Pie says:

    Yet another person who does not understand politics in the slightest bit.
    @ Jaime: Interesting links. However, I’d like to point out a fatal flaw in your conclusion. The studies link racism and lower IQ levels to conservative views, but not conservative views to lower IQ and racism. There’s a BIG difference. People who are racist and have a lower IQ are more likely to be social conservatives. But that doesn’t mean people with socially conservative views are necessarily racist. I suggest you take a statistics class =P

  2. itsme692 says:

    you just learning this fact….kudos

  3. Joe Doe says:

    Well, it means that the Tea Party is not in control of the nominating process.
    Need I say more?

  4. The Cap'n says:

    No, it’s more just proof that most of those who carry the title conservative, aren’t really conservative at all.
    This primary has show me that most Republicans are simply social conservatives who just want to waste money on different things than Liberals and focus on petty things like birth control.

  5. brown950 says:

    They are doing what they are told to do… as usual.

  6. Smell This ! says:

    …not exactly… (now) you know why the National Political symbol for the Liberal, “dummy-crat” Party is….. a JACKASS !

  7. mustagme says:

    You are correct. But he is light years better than Obama.

  8. NCR Elite says:

    the establishment believes that we have to nominate a moderate to capture the middle

  9. Me Ne Frego says:

    Did you just recently fall from outer space or were you simply organically oblivious to the notion that “least worst option” is the standard platform in American presidential elections?

  10. Phoenix says:

    i would have thought George Bush was proof that republicans dont know what they are doung

  11. Bucky says:

    You needed proof?

  12. Jim says:

    Rasmussen has Romney ahead of your boy (“The One”) 49%-41%! Now what?!

  13. Texas Patriot says:

    You do realize Romney is the choice of the Republican party not the conservatives. Having said that I trust Romney a thousand times more than I trust Obama.

  14. Jaime says:

    First part, the republican party elders believe that the guy with the best chance to defeat their nemesis, Obama, was Romney. Since they have been suffering from trans-anal bleeding since Obama’s victory in 2008, they have set their ideals and convictions aside in order to try to get rid of him, which in their post 2008 depressive state, is more important to them than sticking to their core values.
    Second part – Are liberals correct when they say conservatives are dumb?
    Not long ago a poll showed that those who spend their time watching Fox News, the republican TV forum, are less aware of things than people who do not even read or see news.
    Another recent study from Brock University in Ontario and published in the journal Psychological Science, argues that racism and prejudice in general, are not only related to low IQ levels but also with social conservatism. Translation – the right-wing and ultra-rightists are not only more racist and right wing but they also proved to have lower IQs as children. The study followed three groups of people and evaluated at 10 and 11 for then reassessed at 32 and 33 years of age. Basically, the results found a correlation between those with low intelligence in children with prejudicial attitudes and social conservative tittle in adulthood.
    Yet another study from the University of Arkansas indicates that “low effort” thinking contributes to conservatism. In other words, kneejerk reactions to issue-oriented questions are more often conservative, while thoughtful deliberation is more liberal.
    I’m just saying, there are studies.

  15. Delt No.2 says:

    No – the nomination of Bush over McCain proved that.

  16. MN says:

    I for one am glad we have a moderate running against Obama. You don’t have to be a christian homophobe to be a republican and some of us even care about the environment. We need someone to strengthen our economy and our dollar while reducing the deficit, not somebody to push the Bible down our throats.

  17. Zachery G says:

    You’re pretty naive if you think conservatives ever really had a say in the GOP.
    By the way, Romney is more conservative than he lets on. The problem conservatives have with him is on principle, that he’ll say just about anything to get elected.

  18. Tom B says:

    Nope, I think that it is more like people are sick of grid lock. People are finally starting to realize that if they keep voting hard left or hard right nothing is going to change in this country. If the Government is supposed to represent the majority of the people’s beliefs then we had best be meeting somewhere in the middle and quit listening to the crap slinging howler monkeys on the extreme fringes. It is pretty sad that it has come down to voting to keep people out of the White House instead of Voting to put people in….

  19. Average College Idiot says:

    Romney wasn’t even my third choice, and I didn’t vote for him in the primary, but against Obama I’ll gladly vote for Romney.

  20. Mr. K says:

    Romney from a ideological point-of-view is not my favorite candidate.
    However, he was my choice for the Republican nominee because its going to take a moderate conservative to win this election.

  21. George says:

    Was Romney my first choice? NO! However You have drawn some erroneous conclusions.
    Mitt Romney is for 2nd Amendment rights consistent with the original intent of the founders.
    Mitt Romney believes there MIGHT be SOME global warming but is for a “no regrets” pro-business approach concerning this issue. ( He is not willing to spend $ trillions for unproven theories)
    Mitt Romney opposes both gay marriage and civil unions but believes in fair treatment for gay individuals and some rights for gay couples.
    Mitt Romney is for state’s rights on the matter of health care. Not a 1 size fits all plan for the entire country.
    I am Conservative and he is conservative enough for me.

  22. Treyshon says:

    If you guys weren’t going to nominate Ron Paul then you guys might as well have just nominated Michelle Bachmann. It would have made a freaking awesome presidential race if nothing else. 😀


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