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Has Anybody Tried Host-stage’s Windows Vps ?

Well, i have been told that Host-Stage is a really good web hosting provider.
But as the person who vouched for them gave me an affiliate link, i’m a bit cautious.
Their prices and services seems awesome for their Windows VPS almost unbelievable actually.
Is somebody using them ?
Serious answers and not hunch are appreciated.

No Responses to “Has Anybody Tried Host-stage’s Windows Vps ?”

  1. Gibbs says:

    I am using a Linux VPS for 6 months now from them.
    Everything has been smooth so far, and i would be more than pleased to give you my affiliate links ahaha.
    Well if their Windows VPS is as good as their Linux ones you will be by far satisfied ! 🙂

  2. vlar says:

    Yeah they are good !
    I’m using them for a managed dedicated server under Ubuntu !
    Speed is just awesome and you know what, their support is quite supportive ! Barely credible in the web hosting world haha !

  3. JohnZ says:

    I have used them, the owner hangs out on a forum called
    Their service is legit and their VPS is pretty good. Great customer service as well, would highly recommend them!


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