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How To Get My Stuff Back From Cops When I Was Not Even Arrested?

So, in 2010? I think it was 2010 (it was either my junior or sophomore year of highschool) my mother’s dumb a$$ husband was arrested at my house. Seriously, the whole SWAT team came. Early in the morning about to leave to go to band practice and police officers banging on the door. They were pretty much doing an all around sweep in San Antonio of all the ex members of some stupid a$$ gang named “La Emma” f*cking retards, and my moms husband used to be in it or whatever. Anyways, they (the cops) made me get on the floor, handcuffed me, my mom, and her sorry stupid husband, and they asked if I had anything bad in my room, I said no, because I didn’t have anything at all. No drugs, no gang affiliated stuff, so they told me that they would not raid my room. Mind that I was crying the whole time because I was so freaked out, and those jerk cops RAIDED MY ROOM.
Bottom line, they took belongings of mine even though I had nothing to do with it and I haven’t gotten any of it back. They took about two photo/digital sd cards that had loads of my treasured pictures of my life and the people in it probably both 1G, and about two or three jump/pin drives, maybe 1G each, filled with pictures, music, school assignments.. And… I would just really like my stuff back. Even if I have to pay ridiculous amounts of money for it, I just want my memories back.
Can anyone PLEASE tell me what I might be able to do to get it all back, and is that even possible? ? Thankyou.

No Responses to “How To Get My Stuff Back From Cops When I Was Not Even Arrested?”

  1. Tony says:

    you can ask them if they still have your things

  2. Meep Meep says:

    The first thing you should do is go to the police station and ask about it. They will be able to tell you what the deal is.
    Ask them (politely) what they need from you so that you can get it back as soon as possible. You should have some kind of rights to get them if you’re not implicated.
    Good luck

  3. Argus Tuft says:

    They are long gone by now.

  4. Ami says:

    You could check, but they’re probably thrown away. 🙁

  5. Boy named Sue says:

    2010? Man. are you a troll?
    Anything kept as “evidence” Not still on an ongoing investigation Must be inventoried and a note sent to you to pick it up, this must be sent within one year of close of investigation. If you ignore the note, it could be auctioned/destroyed.
    File a claim with Risk Management. Go to City court and ask how, or get on website, file claim or download/print it. Detail what you lost as best you can and estimate of replacement value. Round it Up as You will have to replace them if you only get money–your travel cost, sentimental value, etc. You Rarely get any more than simple replacement cost without going to small claims. Small claims ma now be Only option.
    Theses guys are tough to deal with. Even if they went overboard and did not put something on police report, ook totlly nrelated things, and damaged house, risk management will feel justified in keeping Everything if a good bust. Don’t get hopes up.
    I had a model T coil (they Still have it!) an induction coil, a $24 bottle of vacuum pump oil, other things the stupid cops could not even positively Identify taken . It was hard to get Any back.
    REF: Had guns illegally taken; they were also illegally destroyed. Took Years to get settlement; if they had considered it a “good bust” I’d Never have gotten anything.
    Also had other things taken, since Risk Management said bust “justified”, it was pulling teeth just to get my Induction coil back. Cops can always call in an expert to decide rather than ransacking and looting, just to get fouled in paperwork and lawsuits later.

  6. James says:

    Your first step would be to ask the police if their investigation into your mom’s husband is over. If it is, the stuff isn’t evidence, and so should be returned.
    If they say the investigation is continuing and they won’t return your items, you can petition the courts. If the court decides to hear your complaint, it will decide whether or not the items you are requesting should be returned. If the judge says yes, you get your stuff back. If no, you don’t. (You should get a lawyer involved if you go this step – they’ll know the workings of the law in your area.)


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