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Why Do White Males Always Shoot Up Schools Or Theaters?

People always talk about black males being in jail. However, when you look at the stats, and the reason why they’re in jail, most of the time it’s never to this extreme. It seems like white males have a niche for shooting up public places…
I’m not white or black..

No Responses to “Why Do White Males Always Shoot Up Schools Or Theaters?”

  1. soy un secreto. says:

    that just the way they are, they act quiet but they are really crazy.

  2. Ranger44 says:

    Because they are cowards at heart and prey on those who have no ability at the time to fight back.
    If a black gang member goes after another gang member, you can bet both people are ready to battle and capable of dishing out extreme action. In a way, it is a fair fight and requires a lot more bravery. Would you want to gun battle with someone who likely has a gun and knows how to use it?

  3. Harry says:

    Because unlike blacks us whites know how to hold a gun properly and hit what we shoot at not everything around what we shoot at.

  4. Pineapple 123 Has Arrived says:

    Not all white males do that, and not all that do that are white males, but you have found something. But not all are white males, the Eaton Centre shooting, I think was a black male. Regardless of who does it, I think that people should stop shooting others.

  5. Skye- The Ashes of Ember says:

    If this is referring to that Colorado shooting please stop.
    I don’t think anyone should turn an unfortunate event such as this one into a blame game. A 9 year old girl was shot; even a 3 month old baby was.
    I don’t see any reason to turn something such as that into a racially fueled question.

  6. Cecilla Tumblr says:

    I think guns should be out-lawed anyhow.
    Then stuff like this wouldn’t happen.

  7. Light Yagami says:

    I’m white and I don’t do that. My God when are the stereotypes going to end!

  8. Professor Kojack says:

    They’re more emotionally disturbed. If they suffer, everyone must suffer along with them

  9. lorabora says:

    Haha another angry darky. Did your welfare check not come 🙁 ? The prison system is 90% blacks.. it isnt news if it happens every day lol.
    Just drive to any black neighborhood they are truly disgusting

  10. ca_surve says: a McDonalds and in Post offices? Or sniping people from the cut-out trunk of a car?
    You question is racially biased. It is not the color of the shooter that drives the event, it is the circumstances and perceptions of the shooter.
    Sick MF’s are just that ……sick MF’s !

  11. Laedus says:

    Haha another angry darky. Did your welfare check not come 🙁 ? The prison system is 90% blacks.. it isnt news if it happens every day lol.
    Just drive to any black neighborhood they are truly disgusting


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