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Atheists, Would You Go To A Catholic College If You Received An Impressive Scholarship?

The college is private and is affiliated with Catholicism. It is rather liberal in regards to religion and does not require students to be religious. Teaches evolution, rejects literal creationism, and is a well-respected institution.

No Responses to “Atheists, Would You Go To A Catholic College If You Received An Impressive Scholarship?”

  1. Take these Words says:

    I did get a scholarship to a Catholic college and I did go there and I’m still an atheist.

  2. Low says:


  3. David W says:


  4. doshta says:

    Well sure if it was in a location and had a major I was interested in. I’d prefer to go to a school that would be more diverse though.

  5. Alex the Awesome says:

    Needless to say I would have no objections towards accepting that scholarship.

  6. Fred says:


  7. Pyro says:

    If it was a college that taught Catholicism and was picky about the religion of its students, then I would say no. But in the case you described, I would need to visit the campus and see if I feel like I could really be happy there and not feel like I was having religion shoved at me. If I felt okay there and it was a better scholarship than anywhere else, then I would be fine going there, however I feel like I would prefer going somewhere that had a lot of diversity in every way, including faith.

  8. John says:

    Yes I would.

  9. Atheism Sucks says:

    Atheists are allergic to Christ and to crucifixes*. They would never survive……

  10. Gerry S says:

    Sure. Why not? There would be much to learn there.

  11. You People Bring Matches For Mik says:

    I went to Notre Dame and I’m still an atheist.

  12. Kevin says:

    well, sure. So long as I feel confident that I won’t be constantly arguing with the professors.

  13. mr_farts says:

    Many colleges were established by various demoninations, Most are open to students with different backgrounds, including atheists, and do not impose their beliefs and practices on students (as you have noted), There are exceptions, usually in colleges associated with conservative evangelical religion; they are the only ones who oppose teaching of evolution.)
    CHeck the college out carefully for all aspects of student life – not just relgious policy but also academics, dorm policy, campus life (through the catalogue, campus visit, student web sites, etc). And I would have no problem in accepting a scholarship if this college was right for you.

  14. Fifimsp says:

    Yes. Notre Dame is a really good school and I would have gone there if I could have. Most Cahtolic Universities are good and aren’t that religious.

  15. Sarah Louise says:

    I’m gonna go to one and pay them. I am taking my masters in Medieval Christianity and they have the best sources and teachers. I have told them I am an atheist.

  16. Skywave says:

    As a confirmed Atheist, and based on what you have said about that college, then yes.

  17. Osama McDonald says:

    Definitely. I think true Atheists are open-minded and respect freedom of religion. I’m certainly more concerned with getting a good education regardless of what the school’s administration believes, as long as their not forcing it down my throat.

  18. Erin says:

    Sure, as long as I don’t have to believe their dogma and I get a good education that I don’t have to pay for from a respected institution.

  19. William Osborne says:

    i would if it would benefit me in that way and simply tell them that you respect the religion but don’t believe it yourself

  20. Yes I am a Antitheist says:

    Fo’ Sho’ mofo


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