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Friend Studying Abroad And Staying At My House Issue?

Okay, my friend comes from Bermuda and has a pretty crazy background. Long story short she came to the US more or less seemingly to stay as a vacation rather than attend school. She has been accepted last December but failed to mail in the proper forms and documentaion, so she is unable to register for classes. She also has not paid for anything really regarding school.
She has taken my perscrbed Percocet from when I had surgery and tried shoplifting some cough medicine pills from a store my moms work is affiliated with. She doesnt seem like she cares or is remorseful about that she could have made my mom get fired, she is a kind of person who is like “I’ll get away with it next time…” anyways, am I being too dramatic or is this actually a problem. My mom does not trust her in my house so that must be a problem. Can I just tell her to go home or something? idk

No Responses to “Friend Studying Abroad And Staying At My House Issue?”

  1. Zelia says:

    Yes, you can ask her to leave. Or, depending on your age, your mom can ask her to leave (I’d recommend this if you are under 18). She has come here supposedly to study and is not going to school, so she is now here under false pretenses. She is taking advantage of your and your mom and does not care about the consequences that either of you might face. Time to tell her she either has to go to school (and LIVE THERE) or go home to Bermuda. If she is supposed to be a university student then she is supposed to be an adult. Adults have to face the consequences of their actions. Time for her to put on her big-girl panties and face up to the consequences of her behavior. Tell her to leave and enforce it. Pack her stuff, put it out on the porch, and ask the landlord to change the locks. Show her you are serious. And be prepared for possible revenge. She doesn’t sound like the most stable person so I would not be surprised if she vandalizes your home or car.


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