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Christianity Vs Homosexuality?

I have a question regarding the validity that Christians believe they can tell who is going to hell, and my biggest concern is every Christian who puts down gays are pretty much going to hell (according to their guidelines of sinners go to hell) for they are breaking the greatest commandment of all: Love thy neighbor as thyself. It is said in the bible that above all other commandments that Loving your neighbor (not an actual person who lives next to you, but everyone that surrounds you) like thyself is the most important one. So my question is this why do you believe you are going to heaven when you can’t treat others like you want to be treated? Yes, in the Bible it says that, homosexuality is a sin, but are you not breaking a commandment, and not only one of the “10 Commandments” but the greatest one of them all. You are breaking this rule because you not only kick them out of your church but you attack them in public with pickets and other ridiculous acts, i.e. “God hates fags”, Chick-fil-a not supporting gays due to their religious affiliates, etc etc. If you believe you are better than them, then I challenge you to tell me how you are better, for just like Jesus says “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” I’m waiting for you to tell me why you believe you can cast out gays when you yourself are sinning everyday by hating them.

No Responses to “Christianity Vs Homosexuality?”

  1. Didi says:

    *jumps up and down*

  2. The Painter says:

    You are right, sir.

  3. Robert says:

    You mean Christian homosexuality vs Homosexuality.

  4. Cian says:

    They’ll say that they do love their neighbor, and telling them that they are destined for hell unless they change is their way of loving them

  5. Splash Frog - Yes that's my pic says:

    Christians seem to be the ones with the problem. I’m not outside their church picketing, am I?
    I just leave them alone, I wish they could manage to do the same..

  6. Mercuri says:

    I remember someone arguing me that homosexuality was wrong and then they cited Leviticus. I pointed out that Leviticus also said that getting tattoos was a sin and he clearly had tattoos. Hypocrites. Every one.

  7. LowKEY Account#2 says:

    I don’t hate gay people…I just dislike them.
    It’s fun to make fun of pheggots like you.

  8. india lima foxtrot says:

    Now you’re gonna get a bunch of “love the sinner, hate the sin” posts. Way to go. No one wants to see that horseshit.
    EDIT: Ray, that’s not true at all. The Chick Fil-A business is not about the political opinions of the chain owners, it’s about their donations to hate groups. If it’s free speech for the Kathy family to hire lobbyists to bribe congress into subsidizing corn syrup, chicken feed and oil, then it’s free speech for me to make my chicken nuggets and lemonade at home instead of allowing the Kathy family to spend it on hate. You can’t call it free speech when rich people do it and intolerance when I do it.

  9. No idea says:

    I love you for asking this and its 100% true. We should love one another as we do ourselves. No hate or intolerance just love compassion understanding respect and equality.

  10. Desiree Rowe says:

    Homosexuality is not a sin in itself, there is nothing that can be done. But then murder, adultery, hate and so forth are, we live in a world of double standards pity people don’t really care about whats actually important,
    Personally I couldn’t careless, do what you want behind closed doors but you can’t expect people to like it either it does goes both ways you know, I personally think its off putting to see massive public displays and that goes for heterosexuals. By all means hold hands and cuddle but I really don’t need to see you snogging in public thank you.
    God does not hate anyone, I think he is disappointed in the choices we make. That includes me and I am a sinner just like the rest,

  11. hersheys says:

    Christianity is not about pointing out other people’s sins and putting them down. If a Christian does do that, than they are not a real Christian. Yes, homosexuality is a sin, and yes they are living in sin, but as you quoted from the Bible ” Love thy neighbor as thyself”. There shouldn’t be any discrimination going on here. If your gay or lesbian, it’s not our job to tell you you are a sinner. I have no problems with homosexuals. But I have a problem with the fact that some of them refuse to accept that they are living in sin. When they pray and ask God for forgiveness, they discount the sin they are living and don’t count it as sin at all. And no I don’t think I’m better than them. I sin too, and no sin is greater or worse than the other. Sin is sin. This whole Chick-fil-a thing is basically a guy saying he doesn’t support homosexuals, why does that cause so much commotion? Sometimes, homosexuals feel like they are always the victim, just like how black people thought they were and still are the victims all the time. Because someone doesn’t believe in something doesn’t make them the enemy. But if he said something like ” you homosexuals are jerks and will burn in hell”, that’s a different story.

  12. Twylah says:

    you seem to be stating that just because some people neglect certain Christain duties that you should be able to get away with doing the things you please
    and the clear concusion is that you are both wrong
    two wrongs never make one right

  13. realisti says:

    First, it is Christ who judges not men of the flesh. Every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess (see the truth) that Jesus is Lord. Those who judge who are going to heaven or hell are not acting according to the Bible… until one’s time is up, everyone has the opportunity to repent. Even so, every man sins, by flesh, by heart, or by spiritual unfaithfulness to God, etc.
    Second, you are confusing love with “supporting.” By some examples; I love my children, I do not like or love their sin. Yet, I would give my life for them even though they sin. I do not have to support a sin that is dangerous or harmful, or even like it while still loving them (if they were strung out on drugs I would still love them, but their sin could kill them and rob them of a good life).
    Third, men can love men without sexual intimacy as women can love women without sexual intimacy. And, men can be sexual with men without love as can women be sexual with women without love which shows the bond in homosexuality is not purely about love; it is sexual deviance. They have that right, just as others have the right not to agree or support this. And I am just being frank here, not intending my answer as an offense to anyone.
    Fourth, Chic-fil-A supports a man and woman as a marriage. You must respect their right to not agree or “support” what you deem that everyone else should support. And simply because of their convictions or religious affiliates does not mean they are cruel or unjust to gays.
    Fifth, just as you respect the procedures and rules of your employment or risk your job, you must realize the Church is supposed to practice what the scripture teaches. If they didn’t then they would not need or desire Biblical guidance. If gays do not like what is taught in the Church, they do not have to attend.
    Finally, in most Western countries and specifically in America men and women have the “freedom of religion” as well as the freedom to not have one.. Simply because someone does not agree with others and/or their lifestyles, does not make them haters! 😉
    Ironically, I have found many of the ones accusing others of hating, and judging them for their standing up to their own convictions, beliefs, ideals are the ones who actual do hate others.
    In regards to your post “Christianity vs. Homosexuality” it could be Homosexuality vs. Christianity as it is Homosexuality that opposes, is in opposition to the teaches of Christ; Christianity.
    With all due respect, when we stand before the Lord one day; we cannot use an excuse for bad behavior that we did what we did because of others, or did not do what we didn’t do because of others… we are each individually responsible and accountable for our actions or lack thereof.
    Written without intent on offending anyone, but answering the question as best possible. Hoping you find peace, without judging those whom you accuse of hating.
    Edited to add: P.S. I am sorry to hear of your disappointment and hurt and for the trials your friend is going through. But do not be angry at God for the actions of men. One’s faith and love for God, Christ, should not be based on people, their actions, what other’s do or say. Instead we should follow His perfect example and be obedient to His character regardless of how others are, or are not, whether we agree with others or not, and trust Him to help us along the way… because we really need it, especially in the world we live today! Praying that you and your friend are healed from anger and pain and able to overcome in Christ. 🙂 Your faith should not be in man (or humanity), but in Christ.

  14. Ray says:

    “Love the sinner, hate the sin” is not BS, but a valid position of the Church. However, a person who is not repentant of the sin is not allowed to continue in the religious community. This does not equal hate or oppression or persecution or judgement. It is what god told us to do. If a person refuses to give up their sinful ways, distance yourself from them.
    the Chic-fil-A remark is way off. The founder of the place just said he supported traditional marriage and family life, and you re-interpret that as gay bashing. You want to talk about picket lines! Look what the gays did in front of the restaurants after that. Did you see the one where the priest in Chicago tried to join them?/ How they treated him? Who are you to judge?


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