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Do You Feel Like The Westernization Of America Has Led You To Become A Christian?

Or become affiliated with any other Christian denomination?
If you were not born in America, Australia, Europe or various parts of Africa and South America, you’d probably be worshiping Vishnu, Allah or some other god or goddess.

No Responses to “Do You Feel Like The Westernization Of America Has Led You To Become A Christian?”

  1. slow_han says:

    of course location influenced me in many ways. But so has God.

  2. Elvira Karuzo says:

    It hasn’t led me

  3. Bandgeek says:

    nope. The city I currently live in keeps urging me to be atheist, but I’m Christian anyway. Same goes with my Muslim friend.

  4. hairypot says:

    education and life in these united states has led me to be tolerant of all races creeds colors and life styles but Your right to swing your arm ends at my nose.
    You can think whatever you want just don’t try to force it on me.
    You can believe whatever you want just don’t try to force it on me.
    You can say anything you want just don’t try to force me to believe it
    You can do anything you want just don’t do it to me without my consent or try to force me to do it.
    And of course this applies to everyone else.
    Do unto others as you would have others do unto you
    Unless you’re a sadomasochist! And then only with consent

  5. ASP Amber says:

    My ancestors were from scotland and then ireland, then came to america…i’m also part native american. Just based on the scottish and irish background more than likely i’d be a celtic pagan.
    I am from America though and don’t consider myself a Christian, nor do I consider myself agnostic or atheist either. I have no idea what to call the beliefs that I have to be honest with you.


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