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Do You Think A Afterlife Is Probable?

This is not a religiously oriented question. I don’t care what faith you have, scientific or religiously verified conclusions are welcomed. Though, I am someone who appreciates scientific verification’s above religious rhetoric or philosophy. I do not like to put faith in things that cannot be verified or recognized to be slightly probable.
The extent to which we can calculate or figure out probabilities is determined by our intellectual capability to recognize patterns. The less bias we are, or how receptive we are to new information that may oppose our current world view, the clearer we can identify these patterns and base our actions on reasonable probabilities. Since it’s in the very nature of our brain deny ideas that do not fit into our current paradigm, the more attached we are to a belief system, the less able we are to make conscious choices for ourselves.
Therefore, I make it clear I am not basing my question on a religious foundation, nor am I not excluding religious probabilities. I am not biased, and I am not looking for biased results in this question. If you believe life after death or don’t, I would like to know what information you are using to base your faith on that particular probability.
Though, desiring a response from an Atheist may seem pointless and obvious, however, there is indeed information non-religiously affiliated that would be appropriate enough to put faith in a probable afterlife. I wont go into detail, because it is irrelevant to my question, but understand I am desiring answers from all aspects of beliefs and faiths.
God, or Godless, what do you think is the fate we all share when we die? Nothing? Afterlife?

No Responses to “Do You Think A Afterlife Is Probable?”

  1. Sophia says:

    Personally I believe we just simply cease to exist i.e. the body dies and there is no “echo” of a person that lives or continues on. Sounds harsh by many a person’s standards, but it actually really gives me comfort knowing I am finite and that’s all there is to it 🙂

  2. Al says:

    dead is dead. with any luck people will remember you and some of you will be passed on to kids.
    what would make humans different than cats or plants? All life dies.

  3. PplAnnoy says:

    Yes, there is an afterlife.

  4. Michael Darnell says:

    Currently the probability is that there is no afterlife, since there is no evidence to support that hypothesis. It is possible however that at some point in the future we will have sufficiently advanced technology that we might be able to take a MRI scan of you, right down to the atomic level and simulate all those atoms and molecules interacting chemically in a computer. That way people could be able to have a kind pseudo immortality; or at least a virtual simulation of it.

  5. truth sleuth says:

    When I was a young boy I had memories of past lives. I relived experiences I didn’t even have the compacity to understand then. So, I believe in reincarnation..somehow we live again, It makes sense to me because how else can my years of training and knowledge and experiences be of value. If a God created us then why would he allow it all to go to waste. I happen to play the piano, but I don’t know how I got that talent (it wasn’t from learning it in this lifetime) I believe you’re transferred as a ‘soul’ to a future life.


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