Other candidates can’t realistically compete due to funding issues. On top of that the other 40% who are unaffiliated are scattered in their beliefs so even if they voted for someone outside of a Republican / Democrat their vote becomes nearly meaningless (you would spread that out amongst libertarians, Green Party, Constitutional Party, Communist Party, Nazi Party etc.
40% of Americans say they are not affiliated, but 35% of them really are affiliated.
Many voters register independent or no party just so they can vote in all the primaries, or because they do not want to disclose their true affiliations.
Its just how thigns are… still better than anywhere else.
Other candidates can’t realistically compete due to funding issues. On top of that the other 40% who are unaffiliated are scattered in their beliefs so even if they voted for someone outside of a Republican / Democrat their vote becomes nearly meaningless (you would spread that out amongst libertarians, Green Party, Constitutional Party, Communist Party, Nazi Party etc.
40% of Americans say they are not affiliated, but 35% of them really are affiliated.
Many voters register independent or no party just so they can vote in all the primaries, or because they do not want to disclose their true affiliations.