I’m 16 in 6 months, and I need a list of fun, cool, and cheap things to do before I’m 16! Best one gets 10 points!(:
Posted on November 22, 2012.
I’m 16 in 6 months, and I need a list of fun, cool, and cheap things to do before I’m 16! Best one gets 10 points!(:
Wear something totally inappropriate & go dancing
Drink cocktails & listen to Duffy
Make at least one new friend
Lie in bed in the morning, with the windows open & good music playing loudly
Have a picnic in a tree
Climb on a jungle-gym
Explore a new area — even if it’s just another neighbourhood
Kiss someone new
et a deluxe spa pedicure
Buy a hula-hoop & start using it!
Throw a party in celebration of how fabulous you are
Go to the beach & build a sand-castle
make a youtube vid.
have a costume party but everyone has to wear the stupidest costumes every lolz
Stock up on jangly bracelets at a flea market
Start a journal
Have a slepp over with a friend & go out for breakfast in the morning
Go to a rooftop party
Learn some words in another language
Visit the tourist attractions in your own city
Try every different bottled iced tea at your local shop
Lie around in the grass with your sunglasses & a pair of headphones on
Go roller-skating
Keep a secret
Reconnect with an old friend
make a new friend
prank call someone
go to a public place and act like a child it can be very funny
Go to a park with your friends, and play flashlight tag at night. Make a really long drawing on a long scroll of paper. Invite your friends to your house, and just play in the sprinklers. Prank call your neighbors (if you have a good relationship with them). Cook the biggest, most grandiose dinner ever. Learn how to make gourmet pastries. Have a sleepover, and see if you can stay up until 6 AM. Have a candy-eating competition with your friends. And on your actual 16th birthday, wear a tiara wherever you go! And don’t care what anyone else thinks of you for it. You only live once!